Senior Marketer’s Guide to Outsourcing Tasks > Free Online Marketing Report

Senior’s Marketing Online report “Senior Marketer’s Guide to Outsourcing Tasks” covers: Be Selective About What You Delegate, Set a Budget for Your Outsourcing Needs, Pick a Platform Where You Can Consider Freelancers, Check Out the Profiles – Portfolios and Feedback, Set Up a Strategic Exchange for Success. Click “Senior Marketer’s Guide to Outsourcing Tasks” to download (198 KB pdf) this free Marketing report.

Seniors Marketers Guide Outsourcing Tasks

Video Marketing > Free Video Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “Video Marketing” includes main topics: Introduction, Your Video Marketing Plan, Knowing Your Audience, Video Rankings, Video SEO Tips, Increasing Retention, Distributing Your Video, Growing Your Following, Last Minute Tips and Resources. Click “Video Marketing” to download (533 KB pdf) this free report.

Free Video Marketing Report

Nine Ways to Participate in an Online Community > IM Management

One of the ways to make an online community work is to practice a high level of participation. When you get involved in your online community, it will really pay off in a big way by making you closer to the other members. You and the members can become awesome resources to each other throughout your business’s growth.

1. Introduce Yourself – When you become part of an online community, start out on the right foot by introducing yourself according to the rules of the group. Most online communities have rules that prohibit sharing of URLs or advertising, but most allow you to introduce yourself to get started in the group.

2. Ask Questions – Once you’ve been properly introduced, start asking questions to get the discussions going in the group. This is a good way to get to know each other as well as to get to know your audience. When people answer your question, be sure to comment back and thank them and add to the discussion.

3. Answer Questions – When other people ask questions that you have an answer to, be sure that you answer the questions honestly and openly, without any intent to sell them anything. Give of yourself freely and you will end up with a large return on investment.

4. Comment on Stories – When other people introduce themselves or tell a story, be sure to comment on them. If the community often posts informative articles, be sure to comment on those too and to point them out to others in the group for reading.

5. Create a Good Signature Line – Most groups allow you to have some type of signature line that has a link back to your website. Be sure to provide a specialized link just for that group that offers specials for group members.

6. Fill Out Your Profile Completely – Additionally, most online communities have a profile area. Be sure to upload a nice headshot, and to fill out the entire profile. That way when someone wants to learn more about you they can easily do so.

7. Invite New People – When you know that the group would be a good fit for someone you meet elsewhere, share the group with them. Bringing in new people to the community keeps the community alive and fresh.

8. Be a Resource to Others – Never be afraid to be an open book resource within your area of expertise. If you want to be known as an expert, show that expertise within your answers to others.

9. Start a Subgroup – Once you’ve become well known and people start coming to you more, see if you can start a subgroup inside the group. Ask for permission before doing that, but it might be of help to the group owner if you don’t own the group.

If you make it your goal to do everything on this list over a period of time, you’ll notice something amazing happening. You’ll notice that you’ve built real relationships with the people in the group, and that they are referring you to potential clients and you are potentially referring some of them to clients too. It’s a two-way street when you are part of a community. The fact that it is online doesn’t mean it’s not real.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

Women’s Self Defense Instant Mobile Video Site > Free MRR Video Site Builder Software

Free MRR (Master Resell Rights) video site builder software “Women’s Self Defense Instant Mobile Video Site” creates video site that you can add ads with your Amazon & Adsense ID. Free MRR package comes with minisite page. View Demo Minisite for details. Click “Women’s Self Defense Instant Mobile Video Site” to download (745 KB zip) this free MRR software.

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Contact Lenses Instant Mobile Video Site > Free MRR Video Site Builder Software

Free MRR (Master Resell Rights) video site builder software “Contact Lenses Instant Mobile Video Site” creates video site that you can add ads with your Amazon & Adsense ID. Free MRR package comes with minisite page. View Demo Minisite for details. Click “Contact Lenses Instant Mobile Video Site” to download (745 KB zip) this free MRR software.

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Affiliate Marketing Kickstart > Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook

Affiliate Marketing ebook “Affiliate Marketing Kickstart” looks into: The basics of affiliate marketing. Three crucial things all online affiliate marketers need to survive. How to become a super affiliate in niche markets. Selecting the best affiliate programs and avoiding the bad ones. Pay per click (PPC) in affiliate marketing and its advantages. Using product reviews to increase your sales. The top three tips on how to boost your affiliate revenue overnight. Avoiding critical affiliate marketing mistakes. Click “Affiliate Marketing Kickstart” to download (378 KB pdf) this free Affiliate Marketing ebook.


Small Ideas for Big Bucks Online > Free Online Marketing Report

Marketing Online info ebook “Small Ideas for Big Bucks Online” looks into: Google Adsense Sites and How They Work, Discovering Clickbank Products, The Power of Affiliate Sites, Fast tips on Article Marketing, Social Media Marketing Unleashed, The Power of Auto-blogging, Using Multi-Level Marketing and much more. Click “Small Ideas for Big Bucks Online” to download (1.3 MB pdf) this free Marketing Online ebook.

Big Bucks Online Free Ebook

Supercross Instant Mobile Video Site > Free MRR Video Site Builder Software

Free MRR (Master Resell Rights) video site builder software “Supercross Instant Mobile Video Site” creates video site that you can add ads with your Amazon & Adsense ID. Free MRR package comes with minisite page. View Demo Minisite for details. Click “Supercross Instant Mobile Video Site” to download (757 KB zip) this free MRR software.

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4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Improve Their Time Management Skills > IM Management

Managing time has become an all too real struggle for entrepreneurs these days. With so much to do in both their work and personal lives, it can be challenging to get things done in during a day. There are many ways for entrepreneurs to improve their time management skills to help them get more accomplished in less time. Here are four ideas for entrepreneurs to enhance their time management.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It

You can start to improve your time management skills by taking the time to organize your days and weeks in advance. While there will always be surprises that you’ll have to deal with, you’re more likely to be able to tackle those surprises better because you have an idea about what tasks and responsibilities you have to deal with each day.


Learning how to prioritize is the second way to improve time management skills. If you want to execute your projects efficiently, then you have to decide which stages or components of the project are essential to your business. You have to be able to determine which activities and tasks will deliver the best returns for your business.

Set Boundaries

If you want to be able to work in peace, then you need to inform those you work with when you’re not available. Your partners and employees can’t read minds, so it is your job to set appropriate boundaries when necessary. Make sure that you communicate your limits in a polite, yet direct manner to ensure that you can have the time you need to work on essential tasks.

Account for Good Distractions

There will always be distractions that get the best of you, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. However, no one can work for hours on end, and to stay productive, we all need breaks. The best thing you can do is accept this reality and try to incorporate some distractions into your schedule. Try to block out some downtime every day. This might mean setting aside a few minutes to take a short walk, grab a cup of coffee, or find some other stress management activities that you can do. Managing your time requires discipline, planning, and a healthy attitude. However, if you get it right, you will start to notice improved productivity and lower levels of stress.

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4 Time Management Tactics for Busy Entrepreneurs > IM Management

Being an entrepreneur entails many professional and personal traits. It takes a lot to be able to launch, execute, grow, and scale a business. As a result, entrepreneurs have to be extra careful with every decision, and being able to manage their time correctly is an invaluable skill. Here are four, time management tactics that busy entrepreneurs can employ to get more done.

Break Down Activities Into Simple Problems

It requires more energy to utilizing your consciousness, but this is something that can be avoided if you can simplify your problems. Improving your time management skills will require you to establish a process and then break it down into smaller, automatic operations that you can grasp quickly and that don’t require intensive consumption of your resources. Successful entrepreneurs take the time to break complex tasks down into smaller pieces to make the process easier to comprehend and follow.

Create Prioritization System

Priorities differ from business to business and are generally shaped around deadlines, the importance of execution, ROI, and reach. Learning how to prioritize both your long-term activities and the short terms goals that are necessary for you to realize incremental results is critical and requires you to plan your tasks carefully.

Start with a Simple Task

The quickest way to become demotivated is by failing to complete a complicated and broad task over the course of the day and will prevent you from realizing progress with your weekly planning. The best way to break the ice is by starting your day working on a trivial task that will give you a head start. Starting your day with a simple task will put your productivity in motion and allow you to focus on more complex projects later on.

Create a Long-Term Roadmap

Planning is a repetitive task that can drag you away from your day-to-day activities. Creating a long-term plan can allow you to better focus on your goals and help you decide whether new tasks that come up are in line with your goals. When you can define the well-known duties that are crucial to your success, you can determine the expected outcomes and measure them every month. Preparing a long-term roadmap will also provide you a clearer picture of your weekly availability. No matter how efficient your strategy for managing your time is, there is always room for improvement. With these four, time management tactics, you can start to improve your productivity and accomplish more throughout your day.

Related Info Products:

“Make Money Online” Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

CBProAds – Easily Create Clickbank Ads for Your Sites


Key Performance Indicators You Need to Track > IM Management

As you seek to improve your conversion rates, you’ll realize that real-time marketing offers an excellent solution to improving lead gathering as well as conversion rates. One of the reasons conversions go up is because your audience starts seeing you as real. The more you engage in answering to events happening today and participating in real-time conversations, the more your audience will grow to trust you.

Like with most marketing there are KPIs (key performance indicators) that you need to track to ensure that your efforts are getting the results that you desire. All real-time marketing does is to add in the “when” to the “where” and “how” of marketing. “When” is now.

For example, if you promote work-at-home opportunities and the new jobs report comes out, what can you do to make yourself part of that conversation? You can use their hashtag on Twitter to market your business proposition based on the job reports. Your response might include an informative infographic, or a link to a page of testimonials of those who have used your program to earn money and end their need for a job.

By inserting yourself into the conversation revolving around current news events, you can get more buzz than you may have thought possible. The KPIs you track aren’t that different from the ones you track all the time, but you will want to track them in real time to ensure that your efforts from that action gets immediate response.

There are several KPIs that you need to track:

* Owned Audience – While no one really owns their audience as they’re free to leave whenever they want to, you’ll want to know how many people you’ve already connected to click through and perform any action based on a new event.

* Website Visitors – When you participate in the real-time event, does it affect your website visitors right now? You can use Google Analytics to view real-time activity on your website right now to see if your efforts make a difference.

* Total Leads – How many leads do you collect in the 24 hours after the event?

* Customers – Do you get new customers within 24 hours of the event?

* Recurring Revenue – How many of these new customers end up as repeat customers?

* On-Page Activity – Check your on-page activity during the event. Does it change? What happens?

* Social Media Activity – Once you start your real-time marketing effort, how many times is your message shared or responded to?

* Checkouts – Do people check out without issue? Are there abandoned carts?

* Conversion Rates – What is your lead to purchase conversion rate at the moment or for the 24 hours after the event?

By paying attention to these KPIs, you can understand whether or not your real-time marketing efforts are working. You’ll want to set up the ability to see these KPIs live during the event, and the 24 hours after the event.

You can use a lot of the information you gather to improve future real-time marketing events as well as to create better follow up. For example if you have a lot of shopping cart abandonment, you can re-market to those people a special way based on the fact that they clicked through your real-time marketing collateral.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

Why You Should Use PLR Content on Your Site > Using PLR

PLR content has become a very hot commodity on the internet. That’s because this tool has endless applications for drawing free traffic to your site, which can result in your sales doubling, even tripling themselves. If you still aren’t sure if PLR content is right for you, have a look at these reasons why you should be using PLR.

#1 There’s No Need for You to do Any Writing
In order to be able to give your readers fresh content on a steady basis, you would be spending a large part of your day creating blog posts, articles, and other content for your visitors to read. When you spend all of your time busy writing fresh content you do not have time left to promote your company. This becomes a catch 22. You fill your website with good content but no one makes it there because you don’t have time to promote your business. When you use PLR content the major work is done for you and you can focus on the promotion of your company.

#2 Sell it to Make Money
Your membership means you have paid for the right to use whatever content is provided to you in any manner that you see fit. By combining the content or rearranging it, you can turn it into a money making product that’s exactly what your customers are looking for. This is much easier than trying to develop a product from scratch. With the quality content, you are provided you can create your own brand and customers will flock to you.

#3 Free Traffic
It would take forever – months even – to draw the volume of traffic that a number of high quality articles can bring to you. When you use PLR content that is search engine optimized it can put you high in the search engine rankings, which means more people will find you when they do their searches and your website is where they will land up going.

#4 Build Trust and Create Expertise
When you use PLR content that has been rewritten as a marketing tool for your business, you can build trust, create brand recognition, and become known as an expert in your field. You can quickly rewrite PLR content so it can be used to help your visitors trust you on your topic.

PLR products provide you with a ton of opportunities to make money off your purchase. These rights give you the freedom to do whatever you want with the material and that means you can make the most of your investment in PLR products.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products