The Often Forgotten Elements of a Strong Brand > Online Branding

It’s easy to forget how important something as intangible as “branding” is to a business’s success or failure. But, to have a long-term business model, branding is a lot more important than the particular products and services one offers today. Think about the brands you have come to know and love and how they have adapted over the years. See how a strong brand changes with the times, but keeps its core values intact.

1. Audience Knowledge – A strong brand knows exactly who its audience is, what they need, desire, fear and want. The brand will keep delivering solutions to their ideal audience over time and will not be stuck in the past.

2. Product Differentiation – A strong brand can instantly be separated as unique from its competition, and the owners of the business know exactly how to do that through its strong marketing messages.

3. Brand Promise – The brand’s promise takes into consideration the brand’s position in the market place and can be articulated to the public via marketing, or it can be demonstrated via actions. The promise is implied to the audience in intangible ways.

4. Competitiveness – The strongest brands know where to compete, whether it is on price, service, or some other criteria. Brand ambassadors know exactly what advantages their brand offers over other brands, and can easily express it.

5. Message Consistency – All brands need to send a consistent message through all marketing channels to avoid confusion and a washed-out brand. While brands do need to understand the subtleties of different social media marketing, they need to know first who and what they are.

6. Powerful Vision – Your ability to tell your brand story in detail while also sharing your vision with your audience is paramount to creating a strong brand that can stand the test of time. The vision informs the marketing efforts that drive the message.

7. Product Awareness – This is earned through excellent marketing programs that give attention to the benefits of the product, directed toward the ideal audience. It seeks to ensure that even non-customers are familiar with the brand and know that it is trustworthy. The customers are very loyal and are repeat customers.

8. Passion – The joy and focus that passion brings to the table when it comes to your product and service will sustain the brand during both lean times and times of plenty. The passion will also enable you and your team to provide top-notch customer care and continued spectacular product and service development.

Building a strong brand takes time, commitment and effort. It takes the willingness to stick to the messages for the long term and not forget what your true point of being is. To serve your target audience, solve their problems and deliver solutions that stand the test of time. Don’t forget these important points as you move forward building your own business.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

Top Ways That Bing Ads Beat Google AdWords > Online Advertising

When it comes to PPC advertising, more and more people are now starting to wake up to Bing and to think about it as a viable option to use alongside Google. Of course the biggest PPC network with Google AdWords, which people will use in order to appear on Google searches. This makes sense, seeing as Google is the biggest search engine there is.

But Bing is big too. With 20% of the market (and 30% if you count Yahoo!), this is not an insignificant amount. Moreover, it is a very good idea to make sure that you have advertising on both platforms in case Google ever changes its policies or in case it ever goes down for some reason.

But you shouldn’t just think of Bing as Google’s ‘poor cousin’. You should think of it as a ‘useful addition’.

In some ways, Bing actually trumps Google. We’ll look at how here and demonstrate why it’s important to make sure that you give Bing the attention it deserves.

Bing is Less Competitive

The first BIG advantage that Bing offers is that it is less competitive. With fewer other advertisers trying to get seen on Bing, that means that there will be less competition for ad spaces. Seeing as PPC works using a ‘bidding system’ this is very good news: it means that you won’t have the price of your CPC driven up through a bidding war.

In turn, that then also means that you’ll get more customers for a cheaper amount. Specifically, you’ll pay 33.5% less for Bing traffic!

Bing Has Better Targeting

Another big advantage of Bing is that it gives you some more precise controls in a number of ways. This largely relates to the ‘targeting’ that Bing offers.

For example, Bing allows you to target your ads only to people on tablets and smartphones. This can be very useful if you combine it with location targeting as it allows you to target people literally out in the street looking for place to stay, eat or shop.

At the same time, Bing also allows you to target your users based on things like their gender and age. It can do this because it will look at the Microsoft profile associated with the account.
Bing Offers More Control (In Some Areas)

In some ways, Bing also lets you control certain aspects of your ads better.

For example, if you use Bing, then you’ll be able to target based on time of day. You can control what time of day your ads show and this can then help you to ensure that you’re not showing your ads at 3am in a specific location.

Bing Has Nice Big Images

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a game changer… But Bing’s homepage is really nice. Go to do a search on Bing and you’ll be greeted by a huge and very attractive ‘photo of the day’. Someday, that beautiful big image could end up being the one thing Google doesn’t have…

It’s unlikely but it could happen!

Related Info Products:

Facebook Ads University – How to Run, Optimize and Scale Facebook Ads

Pay-per-click Academy – Increase income with via Adwords, Yahoo, Msn & Facebook

How to Find Good Private Label Content > Using PLR

Private label content can save you a great deal of time and it can help you keep the content on your blog or website fresh and current providing you know how to find good label content and you are just settling for the cheap stuff.

If you’re being offered 10,000 or so PLRC articles for $10 or less on some PLC clearinghouse site or if it’s being included as a bonus when you buy an Internet marketing product, you need to recognize that this isn’t what you are looking for – you’ll get what you pay for and that won’t be worth much more. These will be articles that have circulated for a long period of time and are already published on numerous sites.

Instead, you should take the time to find private label content that is:
* The author is reputable
* Recently developed
* The content is published in limited circulation

The worst kind of PLC is content that’s out of date. Can you imagine? You post a PLC article that talks about changes to travel that occurred immediately after 911 but that have been lifted. Sure, you can rewrite it and make it work, but it would a lot easier and make a lot more fun if you were working with relevant content to begin with.

The quality of PLC that’s available for sale will vary a great deal depending on who the author is. A great deal of the 10,000 articles is outsourced and English is not the native language of the author. This can result in text that’s barely intelligible and by the time, you rewrite it to flow nicely and make sense you could have written an article from scratch. So look for one of the PLR authors that’s name is recognizable.

Finally, look for private label content that has limited circulation. What this means is rather than selling an endless number of licenses so that there are literally thousands of copies roaming the internet, look for private label content that has limited exposure. The fewer people using the PLC the easier it is going to be transform the content into usable material for your blog or website.

Good private label content can be a very valuable tool and it will ensure that you get the kind of content you want – current, well written, limited releases and an affordable price. Then you’ll be ready to get the most out of your private label content.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

Ten Tips for Creating Videos That Convert > Video Marketing

Creating videos that make good sales is an art form. You need to be able to craft a video that looks great, sounds great, and also gets the message across to the viewer to take further action. It’s a balancing act between giving too much information and not enough information. In addition, it matters where the video is going to be placed. If it’s on a sales page, it can be much more directly sales oriented than if it’s being placed on YouTube, for example. To ensure that you create converting videos there are some best practices to consider.

1. Use the Right Tools – There are many tools you will need to create good videos including editing software, presentation software, a good microphone, a good camera, and potentially a green screen or other technology and tools to help you produce the most professional video that you can.

2. Never Forget Your Call to Action – If you want your viewers to take an action after viewing, you’re going to have to tell them what to do. You can also insert, with the right software, clickable links right on the screen to take them to a sales page or other information, making the video interactive.

3. Know Who Your Audience Is – Like with any other content that you produce, don’t suddenly change the subject matter just because you changed the format. Your audience is still the same, so create videos for that audience and stay on track even though it’s a new form of content.

4. Edit Your Videos – Don’t just spend five minutes making a video then upload it to YouTube and expect something to happen. You need to create as professional quality videos as you can afford to produce. While you don’t have to be perfect, you should get better as you go along.

5. Keep It Short – Don’t make long videos as your audience will lose interest. More than 3 or 4 minutes may be too long, but definitely not longer than 10 minutes on harder to grasp information.

6. Stick to One Topic – One way to ensure that you keep your videos a good length is to pay attention to getting off topic. Each video should cover one aspect of a topic, and not seek to be an overview but rather just one little portion of a topic covering one thing at a time.

7. Use Visual Cues – A good way to enhance your videos is to use some sort of visual cues within the video to make it interesting. Don’t just tape yourself talking into the camera. Use something visual that gives your audience something to help them learn the concept you’re trying to teach.

8. Add Music and Sound Effects – In addition to nice visual cues, adding audio besides your voice with music and other sound effects can also help you retain interest of your audience. If you want them to remember a specific point, highlight it with effects.

9. Write a Script – You don’t want to sound like a robot, but you do want to ensure that you cover each point, so write an outline, if not a script, to help you cover each point that you need to cover.

10. Practice Makes Perfect – Give yourself a few practice sessions so that you can get used to how you sound, look, and feel doing video. Remember that you can make several takes, and you can edit the best takes for each section together with your editing software.

Also, remember that not all content is good for video. If your content doesn’t need visual cues to get the message across, you may not want to spend the extra time necessary to make a video for that particular content. Find content to present in video form that is most easily explained with examples and video instead of just with text.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

Overall Customer Experience Optimization > Online Branding

Today, brands have to go a lot further to please their customers than in the past. The experience of each and every customer is important to the point of brands having to consider the experience of one user over the masses. After all, you want each customer to come away with a relevant experience that they want to tell others about.

How a customer experiences your brand has a lot to do with various aspects of your offerings and at what level they entered your product funnel. You want each customer to feel that you thought of them throughout their entire journey regardless of where they entered, in a way that differentiates you from the competition.

1. Know Your Customer – You hear it all the time, and you’re likely tired of it; but the fact is, if you don’t know who your customer is and what they stand for, you’ll have a hard time creating products, services, information or platforms that resonate with them.

2. Talk Their Language – If you want to be relevant to your customer then you need to speak their language. Spend time in communities with your customer to find out how they speak to each other so that you can comfortably talk to them the way they talk to each other.

3. Be True to Your Brand – Know your voice, and which images evoke the feelings that you want your customer to feel. If you remember to tell your story with the focus on the customer, you can both be true to your brand and your customer.

4. Deliver Enormous Value – In order to truly improve your customers’ experience, deliver the best value you can afford to deliver. Under promise and over deliver for every product or service you create for your audience, every single time. If your sales pages promise the moon, make sure to include the stars too.

5. Make It Timely – You want to be sure to deliver the right product at the right time. This happens with continuous research into what your audience wants, needs, and expects, as well as a good understanding of the technology available to you to make delivery better.

6. Provide Options – Most consumers today like having options. If you can provide your customer with different options including delivery methods, formats, and price points, you’ll have much happier customers.

7. Let Your Customers See You – Let your customers in on who you are, and what your voice is and what you stand for. If they can get to know you and feel as if they know you, you can build an entire community of fans waiting to buy your next product.

8. Ask for Feedback – Don’t skimp on getting feedback from current customers at every stage of the buying process. The more you ask, the more answers you’ll get, and the better your presentation and product can become.

Poor customer experience is a main factor in lack of repeat purchases among previous customers. Even if your product delivered what you said it would, if getting it was difficult, or navigating your website was hard, they’re not likely to want to do it again. It’s up to you to ensure that each customer’s experience is optimized from end to end in order to maximize potential earnings – because getting a new customer costs a lot more than keeping the ones you have.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

It’s Too Difficult to Set Myself Apart > Marketing Mindset

When it comes to finding your success, you may have been told that you need to set yourself apart in order to compete with others in this industry and in your niche in particular.

But many newcomers have no idea how to set themselves apart, when they’ve been taught to emulate others and how they operate online. Unfortunately, most newbies will simply become cookie cutter replicas of other marketers and will never achieve their goals.

There are many different ways to set yourself apart from other niche leaders. You have to think of it from your customers’ point of view. They don’t need two or more of each person teaching them the exact same thing, the exact same way.

What they need is a variety of leaders to choose from so that each person can elect to learn from an individual whose style and deliverables match with what they need. Start by allowing your personality to shine through.

Don’t try to act like someone else. If all you see in your niche currently are leaders who are serious and somber, don’t be afraid to be your fun an engaging self. You may find that this is exactly what the audience has been waiting for, but couldn’t find yet.

Another way you can be a unique leader within your niche is to adopt your own style when it comes to how you disseminate information. You will find that some people simply give their audience a set of chapters or modules to learn from.

You might come up with a different way of teaching that includes offering step-by-step instructions, a challenge they can work through, or an over the shoulder case study for them to learn from.

Take a look at what your competitors are using for their media format. Most of them will probably be utilizing text to deliver their lessons. You can set yourself apart by selling products that are created using video or audio files.

When it comes to video, you can even differentiate yourself further. If other leaders are simply using slide presentations in their videos, you might try putting yourself on screen or using a screen capture method as you show yourself going through certain steps.

Other ways you can set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd are by simply showing up to serve your customers well. Many online marketers and neglect their customers’ needs and refuse to step up can handle any issues that may arise.

You can even make it a habit to investigate cutting edge trends and new ideas so that you are always at the forefront have your niche, presenting information to your audience before others have had a chance to investigate it.

Related Info Products:

Affiliate Marketing Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

“Make Money Online” Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

How to Use PPC to Build Your Brand > Online Advertising

The most obvious way to use PPC is to try and make sales. When you place PPC adverts on Google or Bing, you are paying per click. This means you can calculate precisely how much each visitor to your site is costing you and that means in turn that you can work out whether or not you’re likely to make a profit.

In other words, look at your number of visitors in a given timeframe, look at the amount of money you make in that timeframe and then calculate an income per visitor. That’s how much you can afford to spend on PPC.

The Power of Brand

Except is it? Because not every visitor to your site is going to of course buy from you the very first time they visit your site. Much better for you, would be to build your brand and to build trust up to the point where you can sell a ‘big ticket item’, such as an expensive course or a retreat. If you can do this, you can make much more per customer over time.

Likewise, it might be that by exposing people to your brand, you are later better able to sell to them the next time they visit your site.

The only problem is that it’s much harder to quantify the value of a brand and to know how much to spend on this kind of advertising. So what do you do?

Free Exposure

One thing to keep in mind is that you can use a PPC advert in order to get free exposure if no one clicks on it. Remember: this is pay per click. So no clicks, equals no payment. But just because no one clicked on your ad, that doesn’t mean no one saw it and no one noticed it subliminally.

That means that if you design a PPC advert with a heading and a description that people are less likely to click on, you can build a lot more visibility for your brand!

The other thing you can do is to use PPC by carefully choosing your search term. Normally, the keywords chosen are picked to try and directly sell the product. The example often used is ‘buy hats online’. Buy hats online is a keyword people will search if they’re trying to buy hats there and then.

But instead, consider making your keyword something that is not sales oriented. For instance: ‘improving VO2 max’. Perhaps you sell cycle helmets; this is the perfect way to reach and talk with the very same audience. People who want to increase their VO2 max may well cycle and that means they might need cycle helmets.

This is all about knowing your ‘why’. That means knowing why it is your business exists and what it hopes to accomplish. If you understand this, then you can find other people who will believe in your brand and want the same thing. Once you can do that, then you can find people who will likely become loyal followers and fans.

Related Info Products:

Facebook Ads University – How to Run, Optimize and Scale Facebook Ads

Pay-per-click Academy – Increase income with via Adwords, Yahoo, Msn & Facebook

How to Use Private Label Content on Your Blog > Using PLR

Private label content is an inexpensive way to add content to your blog without having to take time to create unique content from scratch. You can easily supplement the content on your blog or create a brand new blog using private label content.

Where Do You Find PLC?
There are a number of PLC membership sites online and there are also some forums that provide articles for purchase usually for less than a dollar each. Usually PLC articles are marketed in packages as part of your membership. You can edit and alter this content any way you want to without providing a link back to the website where you got it. This makes PLC very attractive as an alternative to using free reprint articles.

Rewrite Your Private Link Content
Some websites use RSS feed so that content is automatically added to the site. Others will create a new introduction and conclusion but leave the content in the middle unchanged. This could be a video, a script, a podcast, etc. Most will rewrite the PLC articles, as they are not usually written with any keyword density.

Rewriting your PLC offer you the chance to rewrite the content and inject your own tone and personality to the article. It also allows you to add keywords and key phrase ant the density you want. This will make them easier for your readers to find and also make the search engines happy. You can create headlines that are your very own but based on the private label content and you can quickly create content that will pass Copyscape so that you avoid Google penalties for duplicate content.

Keep it Fresh

Private label content is a real time saver when it comes to creating fresh and interesting content for your blog. You can also use your PLC content to create opt in newsletters which will help you to build your mailing list.

Many online marketers choose to have a number of different blogs to fit various niches. Each month you can pull PLR articles from the niches and have the content you want. It’s a great way to expand your income generation reach.

Think Outside the Box
There are many different ways you can use this private label content to generate. You can create videos, e-books, online courses, etc. Start making money today using private label content. It’s an investment you can’t go wrong with!

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

Real-Time Search Strategies > Online Promotion

When you decide to implement a real-time marketing strategy, it’s important to understand how search plays into your efforts. Not only will you need to conduct searches to find out what is happening within your community, but your customers will conduct searches as well. As you conduct real-time marketing, you will want your audience to find the information and content that you push out.

* Boost Your Facebook Posts – When you are using real-time marketing strategies, it’s important that you spend money to advance your real-time strategy. Since it is real time you don’t have the luxury of waiting for the information to gain momentum. Instead, spend the money to promote the post.

* Pay for Ads on Google – Promote your real-time answers, products and services with Google so that the most audience members will see the information as quickly as possible. Using paid Google Ads and buying the right keywords, or displaying ads that will display where your audience goes, will make it that much more likely your efforts are noticed.

* Use Popular Hashtags – When an event occurs, a hashtag is often developed. If you can relate your post to the hashtag, you’re more likely to get seen by those who are following that particular news when they search for information based on that hashtag.

* Plan in Advance – This might seem contrary to the idea of real-time marketing but the truth is you can make an outline of actions to take in advance. Additionally you can plan in advance which products that you might push out based on various information that comes to light during the real-time marketing push.

* Develop Guidelines – It’s important that guidelines are created based on knowledge of your products, services and audience so that nothing is pushed out that contradicts these values due to the real-time effort.

* Monitor Customer Sentiment – One way to use search is to monitor real-time customer sentiment. Use social media like Twitter to search for keywords that relate to your products, service, industry or company to help.

* Use Email to Push Information – When you have sent out a real-time marketing message on social media, why not add the same information to an email newsletter blast, a blog post, or other areas so that you show up more in search.

Real-time marketing is an important way to get to know your audience better, help them to get to know your business better, and to ensure that your values match. The more effort you spend on real-time marketing, the better all your online marketing collateral will work for you. Your website, blog, social media, groups, and communities will reflect the effort that you put into real-time marketing.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

I’m Too Scared to Put Myself Out There > Marketing Mindset

There are so many introverted and shy individuals who would love the opportunity to have a work at home career as an entrepreneur, but who dread the thought of putting themselves out there to a public audience.

If this describes you, you may be sabotaging your success with this limiting mindset. You are undermining your ability to lead people just because you fear the attention you might get.

Becoming an online entrepreneur provides ample opportunity for you to guide others in whatever way you choose. To start with, you can use a pen name or a brand name to protect your identity fully.

In addition to those protections, you can go one step further and lead your audience without ever showing your face to them. There are hundreds of solo entrepreneurs who release dozens of info products that are either fully text based or rooted in video technology where the screen records the computer or a series of slides.

There is no rulebook that says you must post a picture of yourself or show yourself on screen during a video presentation. However, allowing people to get to know the real you does further their ability to trust that you are an ethical individual to do business with.

That doesn’t mean you will be forced to put yourself out there publicly if you don’t want to. There are other ways to prove your worth as a leader, including gifting people a free taste of your insight in the form of a lead magnet.

Putting yourself out there is not always about protecting or sharing your identity. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of being brave enough to share what you know. Even if you stayed completely nameless and faceless, it can be unnerving to share ideas and have the potential for them to be rejected or ridiculed by your audience.

The best way to overcome this fear is to test the waters by helping others for free. You can create free courses and lead magnets and drop them into the marketplace to receive feedback on your deliverables.

You may have heard of Travis Sago. His strategy of giving away his Bum Marketing Method course for free, not only gained him praise for helping others at no cost, but it quickly built his list for future sales and commissions.

You can be strategic in how you boost your confidence in putting yourself out there. Even if you don’t create an entire course to release publicly, you can help a few select individuals one on one and get an idea of how well your leadership is received.

Related Info Products:

Affiliate Marketing Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

“Make Money Online” Resources/Tools – Product Review Site

Real-Time Content Marketing Tips > Content Marketing

Most of the time, the point of content is to spread brand awareness. However, when it comes to real-time marketing the purpose of content is to build customer loyalty by engaging in a continuous dialog. Thankfully, today this can be done rather easily with the advent of online communication, social media being one of the main real-time centric technologies available to use with real-time marketing.

* Monitor Industry News – Keep abreast of everything happening in your industry in terms of news events, and how you can relate your business to the news events that are happening. Sell products related to any of the news events of the day; you can use that information to connect to your audience by (for example) creating a meme or infographic and sending it out with a specific hashtag to attract those who are reading that news event.

* Monitor Social Media – On any given day there are hundreds if not thousands of comments, questions and stories that appear on social media that you could use to craft content that is sensitive to real-time events. Even if a comment is negative, you can turn it around and make it funny or use the comment as a way to show the facts of your business and industry to the world.

* Build a Community – One of the fastest ways to build content that incorporates real-time marketing is to build a community of insiders. You can do this easily on Facebook with Facebook groups, or you can start a message board on your own website for your inner circle. If you are listening, your inner circle will let you know what they need and want in terms of new content.

* Don’t Forget Your Audience – Don’t get lost in all the information online and forget who your audience is. When you produce any content, including real-time answers to questions, comments, and information gathered, don’t forget who your audience is. Have them in mind when you develop the real-time content.

* Unleash Your Inner Editor – Real-time content cannot take the time to go through your normal editing process. You’ll therefore want to put a team on real-time content creation that you trust to understand the essence of your company and your audience so that they really can respond in real-time.

* Create Compelling Content – Real-time content isn’t the time to send out a stale and boring word salad. Instead, this is the time you want to take more effort to creating funny, entertaining, interesting content that speaks to what is happening right now that also keeps your company values and audience in mind.

* Less Is More – When it comes to real-time content, keeping it short, sweet and simple is often better. Creating a meme, infographic, or other easy to digest information may get more traction than a long word-centric document, especially when you want results fast as possible.

* Create Real Authentic Content – You want to create good content with the information that you can acquire on social media and by listening in on forums and other areas that your audience hangs out. More is not always better, but good content with an eye toward current events will garner more interest when it’s based on real stories and real information.

The important thing to remember when crafting content based on real-time information is to let go of the control reins a little so that the content can get out faster. Then be sure to monitor the real-time activity based on the content you push out. Try different forms of content to see what works best for your audience.

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

How to Get the Most Out of Your Private Label Rights Content > Using PLR

Private label content has changed the way we bring new content to our website. Private label rights content or PLR are articles that you purchase from other writers and this gives you complete rights to edit, alter, and use whatever way that is right for you.

You have the freedom to put you name on these articles, making them very popular with online marketers who are attempting to become successful. The private label rights content isn’t new. It has been around for some time especially related to offline publishing. In fact, you might be surprised at just how many famous personalities receive credit for books they didn’t actually write. It’s an excellent to increase your branding power.

PLR articles are perfect if you are an online marketer and you want to use this method to stay on top of it and have fresh content and constantly improve your sites. You will be able to regularly add new and fresh content.

Before you decided to part with your hard earned money, you need to know what it is you need in the form of articles, e-books, reports, etc. By taking the time to analyze your needs you will be ensure that you make the right purchase. This is an excellent way to show off your expertise to your clients and potential client.

You can really make the most out of the PLR content you buy by offering a newsletter on your site. After your subscribers set up, you should provide your subscribers with one PLR article every day. This is helpful in converting subscribers to paying customers.

Private label articles are a great tool to help you earn more money. All you need to do is convert your PLR articles that you have purchased into a book. Enlist the help of a publishing company to do this. You might also consider producing physical items out of the PLR articles and convert them into a DVD or CD. You could charge more for these items because they will be seen as more valuable.

PLR content offers you a great deal of options to grow your business and increase your revenue. The key is to find the right PLC site for you so that the cost fits your budget and the content will benefit your site. There are plenty of PLC websites to choose from so finding one that services your needs won’t be difficult at all.

Related Info Products:

CBProAds – Easily Create Clickbank Ads for Your Sites – Private Label Rights & Master Resell Rights Products

How to Increase Your Conversions > Online Advertising

Want to increase the success of your PPC campaign? Then it might pay to look elsewhere, other than the actual PPC campaign itself.

For example, you might want to look at your website itself. If you can increase the conversion rate on your website, that means that more people will buy products from you. If more people buy products from you for the same amount of visitors, then that means that you’ll be able to earn more money from your site, which in turn means that you can spend more per click on each visitor. That in turn means your ad will be seen more, bringing in more customers and scaling up your profits even higher. It’s a ‘virtuous circle’.

So how do you go about increasing your conversion rate? There are a few things you can do…

Sales Copy

The main thing that will help you to sell more from your site is good sales copy. This is the persuasive writing you’ll add to your website that will convince people that your products are worth buying and that they should make a purchase.

So what can you do to increase that sales cop? A whole lot!

First of all, you need to make sure that your sales copy is gripping and that it is holding the attention of your visitors. People have very short attention spans these days and if they have to wait more than a minute to find out what your site is about then they’ll often just leave without waiting.

To grab them right away, one thing you can try is to use a narrative structure. That means phrasing your sales pitch like a story – perhaps telling the tale of how the product helped you. We are naturally inclined to pay attention to stories, so if you do this right, then it will be hard for people to turn away.

Another thing you can do, is to make sure that your readers can skim through your content if they want to. These days, most people actually do not thoroughly read content and instead just briefly skim over it. That’s why you need to make sure that you are including all of the relevant information in each headline: so that people can read through quickly and still be sold to.
You also need to make sure you build trust, remove risk and remove ‘buyers’ guilt’. To do the first part, you can allude to stats and statistics and use ‘social proof’ (like reviews). To remove risk, you need to make sure that you are offering a comprehensive money-back guarantee. And to remove guilt, you need to demonstrate how your product is good value. Ideally, it should even be an investment!

The Value Proposition

Most important of all though is to have a ‘value proposition’, which will help you to sell the lifestyle and the emotion that your product is promising to deliver. How does your product make life better? What’s the dream? Make sure your readers can feel the emotion of being fitter, healthier, wealthier or happier!

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Facebook Ads University – How to Run, Optimize and Scale Facebook Ads

Pay-per-click Academy – Increase income with via Adwords, Yahoo, Msn & Facebook

Nine Ways to use Audio for Marketing > Content Marketing

Audio is a great way to expand your market. If you start thinking about how you can add audio to your content marketing efforts, you’ll improve your connection with your audience. This in turn will boost sales by making a stronger connection to your target audience and current customers, creating more repeat buyers.

1. Make Audio Available on iTunes – If you can get approved to be on iTunes with whatever audios you create, not only can you expand your audience, but you can also earn some extra money, thus creating a new income stream.

2. Use Audio to Increase Opt-Ins – When your target audience clicks to get more information for your products and services, how would it make a difference if you were talking to them with your voice to explain what you have to offer?

3. Create Audio Testimonials – Ask your fans to create audio testimonials. You can set up a special number for them to call which records their testimonial. Then you can use the recording on your website.

Link –

4. Add Voice to Your Blog Posts – Using the software you probably already have on your computer (search for sound recorder) to record yourself reading your blog posts, you can easily add the recording to the blog post as a choice over reading.

5. Create an Audio Version of Your EBooks – Using the same software mentioned above, you can record your voice reading all of your eBooks so that you can offer a recording of your eBooks on iTunes or other places where audio books are sold.

6. Interview Experts Regularly – People love hearing two people conversing and nothing is better than listening to an expert talk about the things you’re interested in. If you can find experts to help you create recordings, so much the better.

7. Create a Webinar – Another way to use audio is to create a webinar, which has both voice and video. A webinar can help your audience feel much more connected to you because they can hear your voice and also see you.

8. Have a Teleseminar – Want to really get close to your audience? Offer regular teleseminars for your “inner circle” subscribers. If you do this once a month or so, be sure to record them because you can use the recordings to create other products.

9. Repurpose Everything – When anything is in one format, remember that you can recreate it into a new format. A blog post can become an audio post, and vice versa. The more you repurpose your products and information, the more people you can reach.

Using audio for marketing is a great way to get new interest, find new customers, and to boost your brand across the internet. Audio can breathe new life into your marketing if you figure out interesting ways to use it, giving your followers and fans a new way to interact and engage with you.

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The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

How You Can Profit from PLR > Using PLR

Are you looking for effective and efficient content for your site so that it is more interesting to your visitor? Then consider putting private label rights (PLR) articles to work for you. This is one of the best options you have available – it offers you content at an affordable rate. A number of article providers offer your written articles on a number of niches that you can use on your site.

The provider has no claims to the PLR articles so you can put your name on them just like you wrote them. This is much faster and convenient for you than sitting there writing yourself – this can be especially tedious if you are not a writer. Private label rights provide you with content that fits the desired niche whether or not you know anything about the niche. For you, this means you can approach things strictly from a ‘make money’ perspective.

Let’ look at a few ways you can start profiting using PLR articles.

#1 Promotional Giveaways
Who doesn’t love free stuff? This is especially true when it is quality material. PLR articles are a great option for giving away information to those who subscribe to your site regularly. Release something new each month from your website, like a monthly newsletter or e-magazine made up of a number of articles that you pulled together from your private label content. You can run a one-man show as if you have a staff of 20 using this technique.

#2 Increase Your Website Traffic
The more interesting the content on your site the more traffic you’ll get. The more regular visitors to your site the more money you are going to make. PLR providers generally give members a huge amount of articles to pick from and there is no worry that you will run out of articles to put on your website. In addition, as long as you have interesting content being posted your website is going to remain read-worthy and you are going to increase your traffic, which translates to increased earnings.

#3 Create E-books
Take the private label content and combine it into an e-book. You can create a large or small e-book and you can even create free reports that lead to the purchasing of the e-book. There is huge potential for income earning and creating the e-book takes little time because the material is already completed for you.

These are just three simple ways that you can generate income from your PLR. Why not get started?

Related Info Products:

The Unselfish Marketer – Ultimate Membership Site for PLR, MRR and Resell Products

Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products