Why a WordPress Theme is an Ideal Digital Product > Product Creation

When digital marketers talk about digital products, it is very often assumed that they mean either ebooks, or some form of course. These are perhaps the two most popular types of digital products because they are the easiest to make and because they have a broad universal appeal.

But the fact that these products are easy to make is also their biggest drawback. When you sell a product that anyone could make, you potentially create a scenario where you look amateurish – or where your audience realizes they could get the same thing for free elsewhere. Software is different on the other hand. Software has a very clear value and is something that requires specific skill to make. And when it comes to software, a WordPress theme or plugin is by far one of the best things you can sell.

Why WordPress Themes and Plugins Sell

These days, pretty much every major website on the web is powered by WordPress. This is a completely free tool that enables the creation of highly professional looking sites and that is endlessly expandable and customizable. That means that when you sell a plugin or theme for the platform, it will automatically appeal to a huge number of potential buyers. What’s more, is that it is something that is going to help those buyers to earn more money. This is important because it essentially makes your product into something that can be seen as an investment – which in turn makes it much easier for your audience to overcome buyers’ remorse and to justify the purchase to themselves!
WordPress is also something that a lot of internet marketers will be very familiar with. This is good news too, seeing as the biggest audience for your digital products is likely going to be other internet marketers.

Endless Variety

The other great thing about a WordPress theme in particular, is that it’s something that you can change very slightly and sell again. For example, you could create a WordPress theme designed specifically for real estate websites and then sell that. Then, change just a few design elements and details, and sell the same code again now as a theme for interior designers, or web design! Oh and if you don’t know how to create WordPress themes? The obvious and easy solution is to get someone to make one for you, which isn’t going to cost too much!

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Standard Equipment List for Hosting a Webinar > Webinars

Hosting a webinar can be one of the most beneficial things that you can do for your business. But you are going to need some equipment in order to conduct one. Don’t worry, it isn’t anything complicated, and you probably have most of it already, but you should be aware of what equipment is required and how to use it to host an effective webinar.


You are going to need a high speed computer. Your computer needs to be able to run the platform for the webinar as well as the presentations that you are running such as slides, video or any other media. In addition, you may be recording your webinar on the same computer, although ideally, you should be doing this on a different one.


You want wired internet not WiFi. It makes a huge difference. Obviously, you also need a fast connection because you are going to be streaming out to a big audience and you don’t want them to see a poor quality image or have audio that cuts out on important concepts.


The microphone you choose is also important. If you can spent $100 there are some really good quality microphones that plug in via USB and give you crystal clear audio – the Blue Yeti is one of those.


If you are broadcasting audio you are going to need a pair of headphones (or a headset with mic included) so that you don’t send out feedback from your speakers.


Invest in an HD webcam if your computer doesn’t already come with one. These days, anything professional is in HD and you want to be known as a professional during your webinars.


Lighting is also important. Good lighting can make you look even better on camera while bad lighting can make you look like an amateur.


Generally, this will be web based, so you don’t have to worry about buying it. However, some platforms do have plugins that must be installed.

Presentation Software

You are going to need some kind of presentation software like PowerPoint in order to show your slides.

Recording Software

As previously mentioned, you ideally want to record on a separate computer than the one you are using to run the webinar. Otherwise, you may experience a maxed out CPU and internet brown-outs. But you also need recording software to record your presentation.

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The Difference Between a Facebook Page and Group > Facebook Marketing

So, you want to start promoting your business on Facebook? The question now is whether you should create a Facebook page, a Facebook group or both! And the answer is of course both. But in order to make the most of this strategy, you also need to understand what the top benefits of each are and how they are different. Here are some key differences between Facebook pages and Facebook groups.

The Basics

The idea of a Facebook page is to provide your business with a kind of Shop window. This is a largely static page that includes a call to action, a description, a photo, etc. While your followers can post on your page, you are likely to do the majority of the posting and they will then comment on those posts or react. The best feature of a Facebook, is that people can share the things you post and this will then promote those posts to their own social networks. If you share a great post through a Facebook page, then this can end up spreading virally across all the different real-world social networks that are out there!

A Facebook group is different. A group does not allow people to share content to their networks and instead only lets them view or create posts. Most often, this is going to involve their reading what you have written or starting conversations with group members. Facebook group posts are more often discussions with the community. These are assumed to be more personal and less advertorial, and as such they are also more likely to appear on the newsfeed with more prominence.

The Power of Each

While a Facebook page allows you to create content that gets naturally shared then and can include a call-to-action, a Facebook group will allow you to reach more people with each post. It will also facilitate more conversation. The question then is not which one you should use, but how you can better use the two together to maximum effect. A Facebook page can be a great way to attract the attention of potential fans and followers, and you can then use this in order to get people to sign up to your Facebook group, which will allow you to discuss with them more directly and increase engagement to thereby drive more sales and build more loyalty and trust.

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How to Manage Questions in Large Webinars > Webinars

When you have a large webinar, it can be challenging to manage questions because there are so many of them and you never have time to answer them all. You don’t want to spend all of your time answering questions because you have a presentation to make, but you also don’t want to leave any of your attendees in the dark because you couldn’t answer their question. Here are some strategies that you can use to make sure that you answer as many questions as possible.

Generally, in a webinar, all attendees are muted by default. You are the only one that has the ability to talk. Most platforms give you the ability to unmute individuals but this is a very unproductive way to answer questions because some people will not have their microphones set up correctly and it wastes time.

Some platforms incorporate chat, and that’s a much better way to take questions. If your platform doesn’t offer that capability, then you may have to use Twitter or Facebook to take questions. In either case, here are some tips to help you get questions answered.

1. Get some help. Have someone helping you that can track questions so that you aren’t answering something that has already been asked. They can also filter out the most important questions and depending upon how much they know about your topic, may be able to answer some of the questions themselves.

2. Ask people to make their questions brief. Someone who is telling you their life story just to ask a question is going to waste valuable time that could be used to answer other questions.

3. Have information available online that will answer all of the basic questions about your topic so that people can get answers, which leaves time for questions that aren’t covered.

4. Explain that you have very limited time for questions and ask people to email you with questions that they don’t need an immediate answer to. Tell them that you will answer their email questions over the next few days and then spend your time answering questions that require an answer as soon as possible.

You definitely want to take questions from your attendees and having a moderator and following these tips will help you answer as many good questions as possible and provide the information that your audience needs.

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Why a Mailing List is Perfect for a Product Launch > Sales Conversion

Launching a product is an amazing way to build hype and excitement for whatever it is you intend to sell, prior to actually taking it live. This can cause a massive influx of sales and essentially help you to significantly increase your momentum that will carry on throughout the sales process going forward. So how do you make sure that people are excited for your launch? What’s the best way to build hype? Where should you be promoting your upcoming launch?
One of the very best options is to create a mailing list and to use that to promote your product. Read on to see why this is such a great option…

Your Squeeze Page

To build your mailing list, you’re going to create a squeeze page. A squeeze page is simply a page on your website where you convince people sign up for your future emails. That is the one purpose of this page and so you will do everything you can to convince people that it is a good idea to subscribe. And often this means using an ‘incentive’. That incentive will generally be a free ebook or perhaps money off of future products. Either way, it is something you are providing for free in exchange for the contact details of the people signing up.

This can be very effective at getting more people to join but the risk with a squeeze page, is that it can end up meaning people sign up only for the free product and aren’t really interested in your subsequent emails. You’ll know this has happened if you find yourself with excruciatingly low open rates.

How a Product Launch Changes Everything

But what if you weren’t offering a free product as the incentive? What if the emails themselves were the incentive?
Imagine a scenario where you can make your product sound interesting and unique but you’re somewhat vague about the specifics. Your audience knows that the product can help them but they’re not really sure exactly what it is or what’s so good about it. Thus, they want to learn more. They’ll then sign up to your mailing list in order to be the first to be updated with more information about the product! And this only works with a product launch because no one would ever sign up to be told about a product that’s already for sale!

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Email Marketing A to Z > Free Email Marketing Ebook

Email Marketing info ebook “Email Marketing A to Z” looks into: 4 Crucial Things You Need To Do To Build your List. 4 Ways To Get Your Opt-In Subscribers To Trust You Quickly. How To Build A List Of Eager Subscribers. How To Grab Your Readers Attention With Your Subject. How To Get Your Subscribers Begging For More. Can You Really Use Articles To Build Your List? 5 Things To Consider When Publishing A Newsletter. The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List. 7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List. Click “Email Marketing A to Z” to download (280 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Email Marketing A to Z

How to Make People Want to Pay for Your Webinar > Webinars

Everyone wants to make money from their webinar. But it isn’t always easy to get people to pay for information, especially if they have come to expect it for free.

Depending upon the niche that you are in, and how good your information is, you might be able to charge people to attend your presentation. Here are some tips to make them willing to fork over a few bucks for your wisdom.

1. Make limited seating. If you are advertising to 35,000 people and you have done your research and can estimate that around 500 will sign up for a free webinar, then only sell 100 tickets. Make sure the ticket sales page is counting down every sale. When people see them going fast, they will sign up as not to miss out.

2. Create a professional promotional campaign. If you do advertising, make promotional videos, get other people to blog about your webinar and get the word out so that they see it wherever they go, your webinar will be worth the price of admission. This may cost a few bucks, but you will make it up with the amount you earn with the webinar.

3. Offer something for free. If people know they are going to get an amazing eBook or some other product or service, it makes the price of the webinar much more palatable.

4. Choose the right day and time. Remember, you are targeting working people – because they have the money to pay the ticket price. So, you want to make sure that you work around their schedule. A good window to shoot for is Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, anywhere after 2pm or 3pm.

5. Send value-building reminder emails. You need to remind, remind, remind. Start with 3 months away from your webinar and send an email every two weeks. The last month send a reminder email every week and then in the last week send two reminder emails. Remember, make sure you build value with each email and make them short and sweet so that people don’t unsubscribe from your list.

What about Free Webinars?

You don’t actually have to charge for your webinar if you don’t want to. Lots of people run their business by offering free webinars. But you have to have something for them to buy and your presentation should ensure that they have the information needed to make that decision.

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Designer Footwear Instant Mobile Video Site > Free MRR Video Site Builder Software

Free MRR (Master Resell Rights) video site builder software “Designer Footwear Instant Mobile Video Site” creates video site that you can add ads with your Amazon & AdSense ID. Free MRR package comes with minisite page. View Demo Minisite for details. Click “Designer Footwear Instant Mobile Video Site” to download (746 KB zip) this free MRR software.

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Affiliate Marketing A To Z > Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook

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Winning The Affiliate War > Free Affiliate Marketing Report

Online Marketing report “Winning The Affiliate War” looks into: Affiliate Marketing – How Really Competitive It Is. Offer Your Prospects Bonus Incentives. Don’t Cut Yourself Short With Offering Rebates! How To Win The Affiliate War. Click “Winning The Affiliate War” to download (395 KB pdf) this free Affiliate Marketing report.


How Machine Learning is Affecting Internet Marketing > Web Design

Machine learning is a concept that a lot of people don’t fully understand. This is not “AI” in the sense that many people think of AI, but is rather a concept in computing that is closely related to AI.

Machine learning describes how computers learn, which effectively means how computers identify patterns in large data sets. A computer can use machine learning to develop face detection algorithms for example, by looking at thousands of images of faces. Eventually, the system can see similarities in images of faces – they are oval in shape, they tend to have hair, they have contrast points where the eyes go etc.

The more data you feed the system, the more accurate it becomes at detecting faces in images.

So how does this impact on internet marketing?

Learning From Shopping Behavior

The answer of course, is that big data is collected by almost all websites, as a result of tracking visitors. Every time someone visits a website, Google Analytics and other tools will make a note of when they arrived, which links they followed to get there, what pages they looked at, what time they left… etc.

All this information is often wasted. But with machine learning, it’s now possible to turn that data into something actionable.

We see this, for example, when we look at the recommendations on Amazon. These recommendations are generated as a result of looking at patterns of behavior across millions of customers. By doing this, Amazon’s algorithms can learn which purchases tend to follow one another.

That in turn means that Amazon can contact you at the precise right time, with the precise right deal that you might be interested in, in order to help you make a sale!

We also see this when we browse the rest of the web. Because cookies get stored on our computers, sites are able to share information with one another. An advert might therefore appear on an unrelated site for that same Amazon product.

Likewise, you might be able to identify that a user that has come from website X, may be more likely to buy product Y.

All this becomes even more powerful and effective for websites with user accounts. These are able to track the behavior of individuals over long time periods, and thereby gather far more data about their spending and their likelihood of making particular purchases.

The Future

Machine learning is only going to develop further from this point. Eventually, it will be able to alter the way that a website is laid out, and show ads that are statistically most likely to result in a purchase.

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Top Tips to Ensure Your Product Launch is a Success > Sales Conversion

Launching a product? This is a highly exciting time and has the potential to create a massive influx of sales for the digital item you’ve been working so hard on. But it also has the potential to be a huge disappointment! There are few things more upsetting than launching a product and finding that no one is interested in it. So how do you go about ensuring that it will be the hit it deserves to be?

Ask the Audience!

If you already have a successful mailing list or social media channel, then why not ask your audience what they’d like to see? This can make a huge difference to your eventual success because you can ensure you’re making a product that there is demand for!

Run a Beta Test

Letting just a few people in on the production phase of your product is a great way to ensure that you get feedback about the product. Moreover, it builds a lot of excitement and buzz and you’ll get people discussing the product, which is precisely your aim.

Release a Press Release

A press release is an excellent tool that you can use to get media coverage for your launch. A launch is inherently more interesting than a regular product, so you’ll stand a good chance of getting a story – especially if you can find an interesting narrative about the creation of your product or its content.

Add Lots of Extra Materials

The more extra materials you can include as freebies, the more compelling your product will be. That should include video, reports, mind maps – anything you can think of!

Make Your Product Different

If you want your product to stand out, then it can’t cover the same old ground as every other product in your niche. Cover something different and make sure you have something to say!

Get Affiliates Involved

One of the best things you can do for any product launch is to get an army of affiliates help you promote it. To ensure that they want to sign up, encourage them with a high amount of commission, free marketing materials they can use and contests with cash prizes for the best promoters.

Use a Countdown Timer

Making sure people can actually see your clock ticking down is a great way to make the excitement all the more palpable!

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Unlimited Customers Goldmine > Free Online Freelancing Report

Online Freelancing report “Unlimited Customers Goldmine” looks at ; Affiliate Program Management. Dashing the Affiliate Promotion Doubts. It’s All About Adding Value. Big Mistake Number One – Recycling. Quick Start Bonuses Explained. Don’t Miss Out – Treat Your Affiliates Well and more. Click “Unlimited Customers Goldmine” to download this free report.
