Product Funnel Optimization > Free Online Marketing Ebook

Internet Marketing MRR ebook “Product Funnel Optimization” covers A dynamic overview of a successful business profit funnel, How to implement your own product funnel so that it works, Developing your own low-ticket initial product ideas, Devising mid-ticket products for additional sales, Maximizing your profitability through high-ticket products, Recognizing customer needs and desires as you plan. Click “Product Funnel Optimization” to download (407 KB pdf) this free online marketing ebook.

Product Funnel Optimization eBook

Think Big and Grow Rich in the Digital Age > Free Online Marketing Ebook

Online Marketing ebook “Think Big and Grow Rich in the Digital Age” includes info on An explanation about how much information is out there, How to obtain the data, facts and info you will need, A description of the various sources available on the Internet, How to become enlightened by knowing what the experts know, Insight into knowledge marketing as a new online phenomenon, Tips on finding information that is not easily accessible, Instructions on using that knowledge to serve your market base, A short discussion on different ways to make money with your info and more. Click “Think Big and Grow Rich in the Digital Age” to download (480 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Think Big and Grow Rich in the Digital Age eBook

Affiliate Marketing Success > 12 Part Primer

1. Affiliate Marketing Success

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make income from home. Affiliate Marketers can set their own hours and also how many hours they wish to put aside for this endeavor. There are and infinite number of possibilities on the web today, so you can pick and choose your niche. Once you find your niche you need to implement some effective tactics to begin making commissions.

A note of caution, while it is true that you can make virtually unlimited commissions with affiliate marketing, please don’t fall for the scams that tell you that you won’t have to do any work and that you can be making a six figure income in 30 days; this is absolutely absurd. While affiliate marketing is an easy business to learn and run successfully, it will take some hard work and time to get your business to the point you want it to be.

There are several things you can do to increase your commissions, but one of the best, and most simple, things you can do to earn higher commissions is: build an opt-in email list; this isn’t spam because they voluntarily choose to opt in or out.

Most people don’t realize that up to 96% of the people who visit a website not only won’t make a purchase, but most of them won’t ever come back. In order to convert more of your visitors into customers you need multiple contacts with them. Having multiple contacts with them can lead them to trust you and feel more comfortable about spending money with you.

But how do you know that 96% don’t buy?

Simple, you build an email list. You can do this on autopilot simply by signing up for an auto responder service. When you set up an account you can pre-load a series of emails into the auto responder and they will go out over a period of time, whatever you choose to set up. That way you can not only be building trust by providing the people on your list with valuable information, you can also, subtly, remind them that the product you are selling can help them achieve the results they are looking for.

When you have an auto responder you will need to get your visitors to opt-in to your email list. By doing this they are giving you permission to contact them by email so you avoid any spam complaints. But how do you get them to opt-in? Well, one of the most common practices is to bribe them, sounds funny but not in a legal sense! You simply offer them something of value in return for them signing up for your email list.

So whatever niche you choose you could offer a free e-book or a special report about your chosen niche. Make sure your free gift is valuable to them and helpful so they will trust you and feel more inclined to not only sign up for your list, but purchase products from you also.

One very common mistake people will make with their list is to make every email nothing but a sales pitch. If you do that they will unsubscribe and you will have lost a potential customer. Instead, give them valuable hints and or tips in every email they receive from you and only occasionally pitch a product to them. This technique will work much better than if you are always asking them to dig into their pockets.

There is money to be made in affiliate marketing all you need to do offer products or services that people want and the best way to do this is an opt-in email list to gain clients and a good reputation.

2. Affiliate Marketing Success

You can literally make thousands of dollars each month if you apply yourself and learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. In order to succeed in the affiliate marketing business, you need to be aware of some affiliate scams that you don’t want to fall prey to and the most effective marketing methods to use.

Here is an important item to note about using trackers. Trackers can be significant to let you understand the condition of your affiliate site. Advanced trackers can show the complete path of a visitor through your site and even, strangely, after leaving your site. This is especially ideal if you promote affiliate programs.

Build the relationship you have with your network to increase affiliate marketing sales. If you spend time talking to the people who like you on Facebook or read your newsletters, you will find their loyalty builds to a level where they want to buy the products that you advertise on your website.

When including testimonials in your affiliate product reviews, why not interview the person on video? It is so much fun to be able to press play and see the person talking and showing the item that is being discussed. If you use short videos you can have user interaction as they have to click on each video to watch, which engages them with your content.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you need to have a lot of patience. This is a very important quality to have because most sites don’t take off overnight; it may be awhile before you see a steady stream of income. Just remember to be determined, and that one day, your hard work will pay off.

It is important to know your audience when using affiliate marketing. If you are writing a cosmetics blog, don’t choose affiliate ads which are for car parts. The more an affiliate ad relates to what your website or blog is about, the higher the chances are that your current customers or followers will use the affiliate links.

Patience is a virtue that is absolutely essential for an affiliate marketer. If you choose to pursue this as a career path you must dedicate yourself to at least a year of low profits with extremely hard work to get a good foundation to build upon. Make sure you have the finances to make this possible; don’t quit your day job just yet!

Don’t get caught advertising products for a merchant that won’t ship to your website’s visitors; you want a merchant that will ship from their store to the customer rather than to you and you end up having to re-ship it yourself. On the Internet it is easy to forget how big the world is, and not all of the affiliate marketing partners you join up with ship all the way around the world. Don’t waste time on an advertiser that cannot ship to countries where the majority of your visitors live.

In any affiliate marketing campaign you need to keep track of what is producing money and what is not. You don’t want the premiere space on your blogs and websites being devoted to affiliate products that are not making you money and are not selling. So keep track of what is good and what is bad and reserve that prime space for the money makers and get rid of the dead weight.

As a merchant you can positively benefit from affiliate marketing. You don’t have any up front marketing expense, which can reduce your costs when you start a new business. If your products are significantly better than the competitors’ products and your prices are competitive, you have a good chance to build a solid business with affiliate marketing.

Consider and implement these tips on affiliate marketing and you can develop a very profitable business and an online presence that people will want to do business with.

3. Affiliate Marketing Success

Want to increase your income; then affiliate marketing is a great way to do so. Knowing how to begin may seem difficult at first but with some time, effort and a bit of research you can begin a successful affiliate business.

Any affiliate company you choose to work with should offer you a wide range of materials to use; such as traffic trackers, click through rates and earnings per click, etc. It is in the company’s best interest to help its affiliates generate traffic so that everyone can profit. So if a company isn’t offering resources for you, you should realize that this company isn’t worth your time and effort.

A great way to increase traffic for your affiliate marketing strategy is to endorse other sites while simultaneously having them endorse you and your affiliates such as Pinterest, for example. It is extremely popular and all you need to do is post pictures and brief descriptions of your product with a link back to your site; and the best thing about Pinterest is that Google loves it!

Do you have a plan of action?

Do you know which banner or email message has the highest conversion rate? If you are not keeping track and testing your campaigns you will never know which headline or banner converts to the most traffic or sales. There is literally tons of information on the web, take advantage of it.

Are you starting an affiliate marketing business? You will need lots of help and advice. You will find lots of books offering to guide you, but the best way to learn is to search the internet for the best affiliate programs available. Read their blogs and sign up on their sites and see what they have to offer. You will learn more this way than most books can teach you.

Try posting your affiliate promotions during business hours in the time zone which most of your websites audience lives in. For example, if your readers are mostly American, aim for between 12pm and 3pm EST as it will give you access to everyone in every time zone while they are sitting at a computer.

Work with retailers who sell the same or similar products. This will maximize your profits to work with companies of the same type. You should try to stick with around 4 different retailers for the best results. This will give your readers different options to choose from and keep their interest.

Create a feeling of scarcity. By making your product seem like it is in limited supply, or by making your service appear to go up in price after a certain date, visitors to your site are faced with a time-sensitive dilemma. They are more likely to make a positive decision about your product because they don’t want to miss out on a great deal.

Read the emails your affiliate companies send you! They may advise you on a page they have created which links to hot sales for the season, or new ad graphics – which have a highly successful conversion rate. Don’t just send them to the spam folder; keep track of what is going on!

Target keywords in reviews that you write for the marquee products you will promote on your site. Create back links to the review you have written, and it will increase the search engine ranking. This strategy will target the people who are actually interested in buying things.

When linking to your affiliate program, it is best to stick with links to single products. On holidays you may wish to post a banner which links to a sales page, but for the most part it is best to recommend products you know and trust. Your audience will believe your recommendations and be more likely to buy.

If you want to make the highest payout with your affiliate marketing programs, you need to focus on content that captures the reader’s attention and makes them see you as an expert with solutions. They won’t just blindly click on advertising, but are more likely to click through if you are seen as an authority on the subject.

4. Affiliate Marketing Success

It may astonish you to learn that affiliate marketing can be fun and even fairly simple to learn and yet it can earn you a tidy income as well. Whether you want to supplement your income or make this your primary source of income, affiliate marketing can meet your demands, it all depends on how much time and effort you wish to put into it.

Today I’ll try to answer some of your question and lead you down the road to success.

To increase the success of your affiliate marketing, ask for reviews of the affiliate product you are considering before you promote it. This will prevent you from losing credibility with your customers or subscribers by promoting a product that isn’t up to par, and insure that you advertise only high quality items.

Taking on affiliates to direct traffic to your website can be a highly effective form of internet marketing. The potential rewards are enormous and if you research your programs well before hand, the risks to you are quite minimal. Most affiliates can be paid on a pay-per-click basis, so that they will only cost you money if they are increasing your traffic.

Remember that with affiliate marketing, diligence is more important than effort. It is important to keep up with your website and keep it current, start a blog with related information about your product or service and use twitter as a sort of advertising firm to promote your product. Remember to leave business cards and fliers wherever you go, add links to interesting, current ads for your product as well.

Many companies have seasonal banners in various sizes and designs that you can utilize during the holidays to promote their products on your site to increase sales. Facebook is a giant in the social media game and you can create a fanpage for your product and promote your site and boost sales to virtually thousands of potential customers. Participate in other gentle, easy advertising techniques on a regular basis. It isn’t important to pound the pavement and try to push people into buying the product but it is important to have a good product and advertising in place.

Partner with an affiliate marketing program which provides you with all the tools you need to succeed. They should have an affiliate area which you are able to log into that contains detailed statistics, payment reports, graphics, and link generators to make your job easier and the partnership profitable.

High pressure sales are not required! Remember that affiliate marketing isn’t the same as selling, so you really don’t have to stress yourself out, use the tools that your affiliate program has to offer to increase sales and become successful. You don’t have to handle merchandise, inventory or shipping and handling. You only have to introduce your prospects to the product, pretty simple really.

Try writing an extremely helpful e-book on a popular topic and then giving it away for free. Scatter affiliate links to useful products throughout the e-book. If you do this right, your book may go viral, resulting in many sales from the affiliate links you included. The key lies in making the book as helpful and interesting as possible so that people will want to read and share it with friends and family.

There are several types of affiliate marketing strategies you can use. You can either link as an affiliate directly with a company or you can join a service that will help you get links for affiliates. Affiliating directly with the company pays the most money. Using a secondhand source will cost you a bit out of pocket but it is a choice for you to make.

To make money through your affiliate marketing efforts, you should check out the homepage of the product, and make sure that it is well written and sales driven. Does it make you want to buy the product? If you are sending the page hits, you need to make sure that they are clicking through and making a purchase.

Believe me when I tell you there are literally thousands of affiliate programs on the internet today; some offer higher commissions than others so you need to do some comparison shopping for just the right affiliate program to join. Use these simple tips to improve your affiliate marketing venture.

5. Affiliate Marketing Success

As you get more familiar with affiliate marketing you will find that it is fairly simple and worth the time that you have put into it. The more you learn about affiliate marketing the easier it becomes and making that extra income it not just a dream anymore. In this issue you will find many tips to help you on your journey to success.

Learning about your affiliate marketing programs should only take about twenty percent of your time, while acting on what you have learned should take up the other eighty percent. Schedule your time accordingly so you are spending the bulk of your day working towards making money instead of spending time on forums or groups.

The reputation of the company you affiliate with becomes your reputation, so make sure it is excellent! For example, if shoppers are boycotting Amazon, you are unlikely to be able to sell anything from there for the time being. It is good to have relationships with a few affiliate programs, so you can remove one during the bad times and put it back when they are in the customers’ good graces once again.

To promote your affiliate marketing products most effectively, you can write a free e-book or article on the topic and give it away on your website as an incentive. You can also convert it into Kindle format and offer it for little to no money on the Amazon site. This will create more interest in your product.

Choose your merchants wisely. There are several different niches that you could follow in affiliate marketing, and to each niche, there are several merchants as well. Ensuring that your affiliates are promoted appropriately, you want to choose merchants that are within the same niche as you are, something that is related to your overall interests.

The best advertisers you can get in affiliate marketing programs will do lots of work to help you help them. Many affiliates have integrated creative resources – unified advertising designs, pre-written copy and other ready-made tools you can use. Affiliates enjoy the consistency of the resources given them; you can make use of the time they save you to concentrate on other parts of your website.

Blogs are a great way to make money. If you do it right, affiliate marketing can really pay off. Blogs are a great way to give details about a company’s products. A company may not have room on their website catalog to give you the information you need. Giving first hand usage information can pay off.

Involve your family in your affiliate marketing business only if they don’t feel uncomfortable with helping you. Your wife may be able to do some graphics work for you, or your child could help you think up new ideas for content on your website. You will be amazed at how much insight a child can have into your business!

Ask your affiliate companies if they are willing to supply some free product for you to use in a giveaway on your site to promote your partnership. This is excellent for a “grand opening” type event, when you first start your relationship, as it will draw a large group of viewers and get both your site and the company’s name, branded into their minds.

Gift cards might seem to be a good product to sell, at first. However, some merchants don’t pay you any commission for the gift cards that you sell. If you are going to use gift cards, you should use them to reward your best customers or to attract new people, instead of advertising the gift card as a product.

6. Affiliate Marketing Success

Do you have an affiliate marketing plan?
Do you know how to begin or where to start?

Today were going to discuss some great tips to help you get started on a plan for your affiliate business.

Look for affiliate programs that offer subscriptions to their products and that pay commission on the full subscription. These programs can lead to nice amounts of passive income that can continue even if you stop promoting that particular product. Be sure to confirm the length of time that you will continue to earn commission on the subscriptions.

You may look for affiliate programs on line but here are a few that have a good reputation and will give you a great place to begin:




These affiliate networks are very popular and offer many diverse products plus can earn commissions as high as 70 percent, depending on which product you choose to promote. Make sure that you check to see how long your link is good for; some are only good for 24 hours such as Amazon, whereas others are good for up to 30 and 60 days.

This means that any customer that doesn’t buy immediately on you site and returns later to purchase that item you will still earn that commission.

To increase your affiliate marketing earnings, consider purchasing paid advertising from search engines or social networks. Paid advertising campaigns which target keywords you know drive sales, can bring lots of potential buyers to your affiliate links and dramatically increase the number of orders placed, in turn increasing your affiliate marketing commission paycheck.

Pay-per-click (PPC) programs are a good place to start if your affiliate marketing career is just beginning. You can build a modest starting income from selecting your partner merchants carefully by investing in keyword bidding. Once your profits start coming in, you know you are on your way.

Here is a very nice video from Affilorama that will explain (PPC) marketing:

Starting out with foundation links from trusted sites is the best way to go when you are just getting started. Seeking links from authority sites within your market is better than having unrelated links for the purposes of traffic and name recognition. Although there are shortcuts you can take, never tempt the integrity of your site by going the easy route.

If you are just starting out as an affiliate marketer, you should attempt to keep your campaigns small by only going with one solid product. See if you have a knack for the game or not. If you begin to make commissions on products, then you can begin to expand your presence online. It’s a good idea to start small and gradually expand as you gain more knowledge and experience.

Sell quality products that you would purchase yourself, this is a good way to begin as all the items that you sell on your website are reflective of you. Giving your customers a good product and great value will make your visitors trust you and more likely to become repeat customers.

A great way to maximize your profits through affiliate marketing is to work with a variety of affiliate programs that sell similar products. You should strive to promote between three and five different retailers on your site and making sure they are similar products will allow you to target your audience more easily.

7. Affiliate Marketing Success

Affiliate marketing can be successfully done through your website, blog or newsletter. When you set up your blog or newsletter you can direct link to your website which will get you needed traffic to your site. Consider this; if you have a website built around weight loss you can host weight loss products and services that will provide you with income potential, this is where your affiliate partnerships come into play.

To get the most out of an affiliate marketing program, it is vital to know your visitors. Find out why people are coming to your site and what they are looking for. Provide affiliate products that meet their needs. Focus on things that are relevant to your site and are more likely to catch people’s attention.

Success in affiliate marketing will never be achieved by putting a million banners up all on one site. Choose your banners carefully and keep your site clutter free. Too many banners can make your site feel overwhelming to a user, making them less likely to click on any banners or become repeat visitors.

A great affiliate marketing tip is to promote a product as a solution to a problem. You can try to figure out a common problem among your visitors and then subtly promote an affiliate product as a solution. This is a great way to gain the trust of your visitors and get paid.

Always give readers hints and glimpses of what new features will be available if they stay enrolled in the email list. You need to make new readers curious about your service while also keeping older members interested. They should always be looking forward to your next email knowing that you have great content planned.

Ask your affiliate program for a pay rise. If your marketing techniques are successful and you are selling lots of products and services for a company, most companies will be more than happy to increase the amount of commission you receive per sale in order to keep you as an affiliate.

Remember that even a blogger who is doing it for fun can make money as an affiliate. If you have built up a following of people who read your site, consider working with an affiliate niche that fits your blog subject. Don’t spam your loyal readers, but offer them something that you find useful as well and see the money roll in.

High traffic to your website is what affiliate marketing companies look for. The more traffic you can get to visit your page, the more apt people are to click the link and buy the products that you are featuring. To gain more traffic you have to expose your page to as many people as possible.

To increase the success of your affiliate marketing, ensure that your affiliate company offers resources that help you to generate sales. These resources should include banners, text links, tracking, and statistics as well as templates for building a sales page. An affiliate company should be willing to help you earn as many commissions as possible.

There are numerous ways to monetize your site and Google Ads is a great way to earn some extra income; sign up to get started with this link:

As you can see for yourself, there are many ways to monetize your site with ads, banners and products from your affiliate programs. Whether you are a hobbyist or plan to earn a living at affiliate marketing you will have great success if you apply these tips.

8. Affiliate Marketing Success

Affiliate marketing is potentially one of the most lucrative web based businesses that you can get into if you want to work from home full time or just make some extra money to supplement your income.

If you learn the tricks of the trade and are willing to invest some time to implement what you learn, you can leverage the automation and sheer volume of the internet to make virtually as much money as you want. To help you get started, I have compiled a brief overview of the basics. Now this is by no means the do all end all of affiliate marketing, but it is enough information to get you started in the right direction.

The first thing you really have to remember, and I cannot stress this enough, is that even though affiliate marketing isn’t difficult online business that doesn’t mean that you won’t need to learn some new skills because you most definitely will. It also doesn’t mean that you won’t have to invest any time in your business.

One of the most common mistakes people make is that they don’t treat their affiliate business as a real and viable business. Instead they do a little work here and a little work there and then they wonder why they are not rich after a month or two. Don’t fall into this trap. Work your business like a business with intensity and consistency and you can indeed make a very good living.

The first step is to understand is to become an affiliate marketer you will need to sign up with a company that offers an affiliate program. It is free to sign up and you will receive a commission whenever someone buys a product on your website.

Many companies will give you a replicated website that will be identical to all the other affiliate websites, the only difference your link will have a special code in the URL that will identify you and whenever someone makes a purchase from your site and you will get the commission from the sale.

Next you need to know a little bit about internet marketing or IM. This is the process where you drive traffic, visitors, to your website. There are many ways you can do this; some of them are even free. Generally the free methods will take a little longer, but since they are free you don’t have to worry about making any mistakes while you are learning how to do them (they are very easy, but you might still make small mistakes but it is a learning process).

The paid methods for driving traffic will usually get traffic more quickly but only after you have mastered the techniques which can take some time and since you have to pay while you are learning it will also take quite a bit of money, this is your choice. You will definitely have more money going out than coming in at the beginning when you use this method but is a bit quicker at getting the traffic you need.

Convert as many of your visitors into paying customers as you can. There are many elements to this, everything from copywriting to SEO to using an auto responder. Don’t worry if none of this makes sense at the moment it will eventually. Remember that there are plenty of places online where you can learn these skills and watch some great video tutorials as well.

For right now though, you will want to use an auto responder service. This is a fully automated system that will allow you to pre-program a series of emails with your content. You can add as many emails as you want and you can choose how often they go out and what day as well.

When someone opts into your list (this just means they sign up and give you permission to send them emails) the whole email series will be sent out automatically by the auto responder in a weekly or daily manner, this depends on how you set it up.

For example, let us say that you have 10 emails loaded into your auto responder and that you have set it up to send out one email every day for 10 days or one email once a week. When someone signs up they will immediately receive the first email. Then every day or every week they will receive another email until they have received all the way through the series of ten that you set up in your auto responder.

When you write your emails make sure that you include valuable information that your clients will need and that are helpful to them regarding of course, your website topic.

Affiliate marketing isn’t that difficult with a little time and effort on your part. Think of it this way; if it was not lucrative there would not be so many companies soliciting for affiliate marketers! With some time and effort on your part you will become very successful.

9. Affiliate Marketing Success

Want to boost sales in these difficult economic times then you should try affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great way to supplement your income or create a steady stream of income, depending on which of these you want to do and how much time and effort you will want to put into it. You will find that affiliate marketing is fairly simple and easy to do, but you need a plan!

Consider creating a post that addresses a problem and then offer the solution via an email sign-up. Having a good opt-in list will help you with your affiliate promotions and you will be providing the readers with content which is useful to them. This is especially good if you can offer them a download of some sort so they actually receive an “item” they can use such as, an information packed article or a short e-book.

To make the most money from your affiliate programs, you should start using paid advertising like Google Ads. By purchasing ads that target the keywords that drive sales, you will increase the traffic to your site and increase the number of potential buyers, who have shown interest in that keyword.

Before agreeing to become an affiliate marketer for a specific product or company, do your research to make sure that they are running a legitimate operation. There are many affiliate marketing programs where the focus is simply to recruit more affiliate marketers and every marketer is required to make a purchase. This is a huge red flag that you are about to get tangled up in a pyramid scheme! Most of your decent affiliate programs are free to join so choose wisely. These programs also don’t offer a high quality product and will instead focus completely on marketing.

A blog should be a regular way for you to interact with visitors, customers and anyone who is involved in your field. A blog sets you up as an expert and allows you to get feedback from the people that you want to buy your product or service.

Figure out which social media sites your audience uses the most and then set up accounts on each. Use a survey or poll on your website to find out where your viewers like to hang out, that way you are not wasting your time on websites that won’t be driving traffic to your site. Make sure to post regularly to keep people reading your feeds.

Try something new. If you find that your products are not converting, into sales it is alright to switch to a different product in the same genre or switch to a completely different genre. Affiliate marketing can be a trial and error business, so don’t be afraid to keep trying until you come across a product that works for you.

In affiliate marketing, you will find products you love, as well as, merchants and networks that you love to work with. You must remember that the affiliate marketing business is a business, not a romance. If a particular partnership grows unprofitable, you must be prepared to cut it off, no matter how enamored you are with the partner or their products. Also there are some affiliate programs that will cut you out if you don’t produce but they are few.

If it feels like the company you are marketing isn’t earning you enough money then you should think very hard about removing those links and putting some links up for one or more lucrative products to see which will sell the best; then cut the bad and keep the good. Choose the affiliate programs that have a good reputation and quality products as these companies already have a great clientele and the products practically sell themselves.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is you can do it all from the comfort of your home; work as much or as little as you wish. Remember this though, the more time and effort you put into your business the better your results will be, and you will be on the road to success.

10.Affiliate Marketing Success

Have you ever gone into a place of business and said that so and so sent me? This is basically Affiliate Marketing; you are doing business with this particular company because you were referred by a friend who knows that this company has just what you are looking for. This is called word of mouth; it is one way of getting free advertising as long as you have a good reputation and quality products.

If you want to maximize the amount of money you generate through affiliate marketing you must make sure that all your product information is presented clearly and cleanly; no hidden costs, etc. Your page should draw focus to your content and advertising and nothing else. Get any unnecessary graphics or anything else that distracts readers off your site.

If you want to start an affiliate marketing business, first you need to choose the right product. The best thing to choose is something that interests you. If you cannot find something that you are interested in, pick a product that solves a problem and that people are currently buying and spending money on.

Make sure that you like and trust the product you are asking your audience to click on. If you are heavily promoting items that are not good or spamming your page with every type of program imaginable, people will stop coming. It is your repeat visitors that will make or break you, don’t lose their trust in you.

One of the most important tips to remember about affiliate marketing is to play to the strengths of your audience. You should think about why your audience comes to your site and feature affiliate advertisements that will interest them. If the ads are relevant to their interests, then they are more likely to use them.

If you are producing a ton of sales for a company you are affiliated with, ask for more commission. As long as you are driving a ton of sales their way, they are more likely to give in to your offer to ensure you don’t switch and send people to a different company instead, cutting their sales in the process.

The best way to get your content re-tweeted is to provide something people want to read. A boring affiliate product review won’t cut it, so think up innovative ways to get people talking. The more buzz there is surrounding your article, the more likely it is to be shared around the internet.

Trial and error plays a big part in the success of affiliate marketing. You may find that a link may work well on one site, but completely bombs on another. Be sure to check your numbers regularly in order to learn which links are working for you, and which need to be removed.

The affiliate marketing model is simple; it is a commission-based referral system. As an affiliate, you market a specific merchant’s product for a “piece of the pie.” To be successful in affiliate marketing, you must be persistent. Most people who dabble in affiliate marketing give up too soon.

Take the time to monitor your statistics to see what is working and what isn’t and make the necessary adjustments, before long your payments will start flowing in. Practice patience and utilize your gained knowledge to start reaping the rewards of success.

As a customer, what would you like to see at the end of a sales page? Most would say that they like to see an order form with the price clearly shown, and a minimum number of steps to complete the purchase. However here is a suggestion that is a slight deviation from this, namely one additional step and the price not immediately shown.

Many visitors in a hurry may click to a long sales page, immediately cast their eye towards the bottom, see the price and leave without stopping to read the benefits of purchasing your product.

Affiliate Programs have been around for years and years and more and more many well-known companies are using this as a way to advertise and sell their products through affiliate marketers. This is great way to have a quality product and the reputation of a good company.

11. Affiliate Marketing Success

You can literally make thousands of dollars each month if you apply yourself and learn the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. In order to succeed in the affiliate marketing business, you need to be aware of some affiliate scams that you don’t want to fall prey to and the most effective marketing methods to use.

Here is an important thing to note about using trackers. Trackers can be significant to let you understand the condition of your affiliate site. Advanced trackers can show the complete path of a visitor through your site and even, strangely, after leaving your site. This is especially ideal if you promote affiliate programs.

Build the relationship you have with your network to increase affiliate marketing sales. If you spend time talking to the people who like you on Facebook or read your newsletters, you will find their loyalty builds to a level where they want to buy the products that you advertise on your website.

When including testimonials in your affiliate product reviews, why not interview the person on video? It is so much fun to be able to press play and see the person talking and showing the item that is being discussed. If you use short videos you can have user interaction as they have to click on each video to watch, which engages them with your content.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, you need to have a lot of patience. This is a very important quality to have because most sites don’t take off overnight; it may be awhile before you see a steady stream of income. Just remember to be determined, and that one day, your hard work will pay off.

It is important to know your audience when using affiliate marketing. If you are writing a cosmetics blog, don’t choose affiliate ads which are for car parts. The more an affiliate ad relates to what your website or blog is about, the higher the chances are that your current customers or followers will use the affiliate links.

Patience is a virtue that is absolutely essential for an affiliate marketer. If you choose to pursue this as a career path you must dedicate yourself to at least a year of low profits with extremely hard work to get a good foundation to build upon. Make sure you have the finances to make this possible; don’t quit your day job just yet!

Don’t get caught advertising products for a merchant that won’t ship to your website’s visitors; you want a merchant that will ship from their store to the customer rather than to you and you end up having to re-ship it yourself. On the Internet it is easy to forget how big the world is, and not all of the affiliate marketing partners you join up with ship all the way around the world. Don’t waste time on an advertiser that cannot ship to countries where the majority of your visitors live.

In any affiliate marketing campaign you need to keep track of what is producing money and what is not. You don’t want the premiere space on your blogs and websites being devoted to affiliate products that are not making you money and are not selling. So keep track of what is good and what is bad and reserve that prime space for the money makers and get rid of the dead weight.

As a merchant you can positively benefit from affiliate marketing. You don’t have any up front marketing expense, which can reduce your costs when you start a new business. If your products are significantly better than the competitors’ products and your prices are competitive, you have a good chance to build a solid business with affiliate marketing.

Consider and implement these tips on affiliate marketing and you can develop a very profitable business and an online presence that people will want to do business with.

12. Affiliate Marketing Success

As we well know, affiliate marketing is a great way to build a profitable business for anyone who want to work from home. If you want to make your dream come true consider these tips from the professionals in the affiliate business.

Look around for affiliate programs that offer a high commission rates and make sure that they are now scams, do your research. Some companies offer very high commissions but the products may not be quality products or services. Just because they offer high commissions doesn’t mean that they are legitimate either.

Here is a way to get free reviews of your site and you can win customers as you do it! The design and content of your home page is so critical that it is worth seeking expert advice. But there is no need to pay a hefty fee to a consultant ask the people who really matter your visitors! Just add this to your main page: We’d love to hear your opinion on our site; and make the needed improvements.

Remember that many affiliates pay for traffic directed towards their product. This way you will be able to generate your followers without doing much more than having a fantastic site that has information about a given niche. This is basically free traffic from search engines without any effort on your part.

Don’t bury your website under a bunch of banners and ads. Instead of helping you make money, a site filled with banners will drive people away. Try to keep you site neat and organized. Provide good content on whatever the subject matter is and promote items that you believe in and that are actually useful for your visitors.

Before you decide to work as an affiliate for a company, check on their conversion numbers. As a new marketer, you may be sold on a company’s website, full of color and nice and bright, but don’t fail to look at their conversion numbers. If a company isn’t turning their visitors into customers, there will be no commissions for you as an affiliate.

In affiliate marketing, always be honest and market products you yourself believe in. If you promote scams or shoddy products, your readership will dwindle along with your commissions. It is important to build a relationship with your readers to drive sales and spread the word, and that relationship can only be formed through honesty and trustworthiness.

Don’t panic if you see sales conversions numbers that are only around 1%. If you’re holding out for higher than that as an affiliate, you may be holding out indefinitely. One out of every 100 visitors turning into a customer is actually a great conversion rate for most products, especially with larger, more popular services that receive thousands of visitors per day.

To increase the success of your affiliate marketing, discover the type of tracking software a company uses before you join their affiliate program. If the program doesn’t track all of your sales, then you won’t receive credit for all of the viewers that you refer to their company.

If you are bringing in a decent amount of money with affiliate marketing, consider asking the program that you joined for more money. If you are being profitable for the program, they will want to keep you around and some will even give you a higher commission.

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Affilorama – The #1 Affiliate Marketing Training Portal

Millionaire Society – Affiliate Marketing program

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The Productive Entrepreneur > Free Business Ebook

Business ebook “The Productive Entrepreneur” covers What is takes to become a productive entrepreneur. Planning – 15 Tips to Organize Your Business. Effectiveness: 15 Tips to Getting Results. Balance – 15 Tips to Energize Your Work Life. How to live the life of a successful online entrepreneur. How and why, you should set short and long-term goals. How to use the “accountability effect” to help you get more done. How to create a schedule for your work so you know exactly what to do today, tomorrow, 7 days, a month and so on. Click “The Productive Entrepreneur” to download (688 KB pdf) this free ebook.

The Productive Entrepreneur

Release the Inner Entrepreneur in You > Free Business Ebook

Business tips ebook “Release the Inner Entrepreneur in You” 70 powerful tips to release the inner entrepreneur in you. Read and implement just one tip, and you’ll move a step closer to success. How to think like an entrepreneur. Dealing with managerial, financial and the technical roles are one thing, but mindset is the most important part. Click “Release the Inner Entrepreneur in You” to download (498 KB pdf) this free ebook.

Release the Inner Entrepreneur in You eBook

How to Transition to a Full-Time Internet Marketing Job > IM Management

For many, the idea of earning a living online is what they would consider to be ‘the dream’. If you can earn all your income online, then you can work from any environment that you find comfortable, you can stop taking long commutes into work and you can choose your own working hours. Working online gives you total freedom and flexibility and at the same time, allows you to scale your business to any extent you like.

But the problem is making the leap and transitioning to making money purely online. Most of us will need to spend our days doing our regular 9-5 job, which means we only have a couple of hours in the evening in which to work on our own projects.

What’s more is that many businesses require some kind of financial investment – an investment that many of us won’t be able to afford – and they require a basic understanding of the web.

So, the question is: how does a busy business person transition to a point where they can make a full-time living online?

Scaling Up

The key is to set out not to quit your day job and start living the internet marketing dream, but instead simply to make a little extra side income. In other words, keep your objectives modest to begin with and that way you can then scale up gradually in order to reach the point where you’re able to give up your day job.

You may not have time in the evenings to create a full-scale business, but you probably do have time to make a few blog posts or to sell a few items of stock. If your keep your business small, then you only need a few hours.

Likewise, you can avoid needing a big investment this way. For example, if you are reselling a product, then you’ll only need to invest in a small amount of inventory to begin with (maybe $100 worth) because you wouldn’t have time to sell more anyway. Then if those items sell successfully, you simply reinvest the profit back into a bigger order of stock.

Beginning the Transition

This also means that there is no reason to take a big plunge and quit your day job. There’s no reason to risk losing your income and having nothing to replace it because you’re just doing this as a hobby in the evenings. But trust me – earning an extra $30 a week even can make quite a big difference to your lifestyle and is incredibly rewarding.

Then, if things seem to be going well, you could consider working on day of the weekend. Or perhaps you could negotiate working a 4 day week. Maybe consider leaving your job and taking part-time work too.

Only as the business starts to grow do you need to consider working less for your current job and that way you can make the transition seamlessly and without needing to take any big, reckless risk!

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PLR Starter Pack Volume 3 – The Expert > Free Online Marketing Report

Content Creation report “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 3 – The Expert” includes topics: Giveaway Events. The “Big Marketing Book” Strategy. Affiliate E-book Giveaway Strategy. Podcasting PLR For Profits. Offline Lead Generation Techniques. Squeeze Page or “Opt-In” Page. Condensed “Special Reports”. The Power of Viral Videos. Use It as a Bonus. Monetize via Adsense on Blogs. Personal Branding With PLR. Autopilot Profits – Email Training Courses. Click “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 3 – The Expert” to download (514 KB pdf) this free report. Use our search feature to find all 3 reports in this series.

PLR Starter Pack

PLR Starter Pack Volume 2 – The Intermediate > Free Report

Content Creation report “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 2 – The Intermediate” includes topics: Creating Killer E-Books With PLR, Creating Audio Courses Using PLR, Tapping into the Power of Videos Using PLR, Conquer Email Marketing with PLR, Viral Marketing – PLR Style, Building A Membership Site with PLR, PLR Most Common Questions (FAQ). Click “PLR Starter Pack Volume 2 – The Intermediate” to download (494 KB pdf) this free report. Use our search feature to find all 3 reports in this series.

PLR Starter Pack

PLR Starter Pack Vol. 1 – Beginner > Free Report

Content Creation report “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 1 – Beginner” includes topics What is PLR? Origins of PLR. Enter Internet Marketing. PLR Benefits. Rules of PLR. How To Use PLR. Power of Leverage. Common Mistakes of PLR Buyers. Click “PLR Starter Pack Vol. 1 – Beginner” to download (409 KB pdf) this free report. Use our search feature to find all 3 reports in this series.

PLR Starter Pack

How to Make a Marketing Video Quickly > Video Marketing

Video is one of the most underutilized aspects of internet marketing. They say that a picture can tell a thousand words, so just think how many words a video must tell! Not only can you convey more information through a video though, but it will also be more engaging, more emotive and persuasive and much better at quickly grabbing attention.

Video also gives you a lot of new marketing opportunities – allowing you to build a following for a brand through YouTube, to embed a different kind of media on your website, or to grab attention on a sales page by telling people in person why they should buy your product (oh and letting people get to know you is one more benefit of video marketing).

The only problem? Video can be seen as a bit fiddly and complicated compared to a lot of other forms of marketing and this can make it off-putting as a potential time investment.

So the question is: what shortcuts and strategies can you find to make the process of creating marketing videos that much faster and smoother?

The Hardware

A good place to start is with the hardware. By getting the right camera and the right mic etc., you can save yourself a fair amount of work.

A good camera for video marketing for instance should be one that has a flip screen so that you can see yourself in the shot before you hit record. It’s extremely frustrating to film a whole video only to learn the top of your head was cut off!

Also useful, is to find a camera that has a microphone jack or a USB for a microphone such as the Blue Yeti Snowball. This will allow you to record crisp audio directly onto your video, rather than having to record the audio separately and then sync it up.

Getting a decent tripod, lighting rig and boom mic stand can all help too, as they allow you to quickly set things up in a way that will produce the best quality footage.

Two more tips: clap at the start and end of each take and double clap when you get it right. This will make it easier to edit your footage (because you can see the spike in the audio). Secondly, keep a space in your home with a good backdrop and everything set up ready for filming. Then you just need to step into shot and start recording!

A Quicker Way

Don’t want to go on camera?

Find that this all still takes too long? Then you could consider making videos as slideshows instead! You can actually save PowerPoint presentations as MPEG files and then simply record over them. This means you now have no need to record yourself and you can make videos much more quickly. This type of content is perfect for sales pages too and is something that web users have come to expect on such pages, lending your site an air of professionalism.

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Concentrate and Get More Done in Less Time > IM management

If you’re a busy business person looking to start a side business or do some internet marketing for your existing company, then you will be faced with the challenge of trying to get lots of work done in short amounts of time.

Your ability to do this will come down to many things, but one of the most important aspects is just how effective you are at focussing and holding your attention for long periods without interruption.

In other words, you need to be able to sit in front of your computer and write 3,000 words in a row, or to spend 2 hours straight responding to emails and chasing links and leads.

Problem is, most of us are not well practiced at sustaining our attention in this way and most of us will struggle not to get distracted by TV, games consoles, Facebook or calling friends for a chat.

Fortunately, understanding the way your brain works can help you to get a little more work done.

Introducing the Salience Network

You are constantly switching your attention and changing from one thing to another. Sometimes this is conscious, while other times it is a kind of knee-jerk reaction that your body does for you – such as when you hear a noise or notice movement.

Our ability to change and hold our own attention is called ‘executive attention’ according to psychologists and is controlled by the ‘dorsal attention network’ (our conscious attention) and our ‘ventral attention network’.

To decide what is important, the brain defers to another specific region called the ‘salience network’. Our salience network meanwhile responds primarily to biological signals that are tied to our most basic survival needs – things like hunger, fear, surprise and curiosity are what drive us.

Using This Information

So, what does this have to do with the busy internet marketer? Well, it shows you how you can regain control over your brain.

First: avoid signals that will steel attention away from your focus and remember that many of these are biologically driven. That means you need to avoid sudden loud noises in your environment, movement or flashing lights. Likewise though, it also means that you need to avoid feelings of discomfort, of being the wrong temperature or of being hungry. All of these things will appear to be more ‘salient’ as far as your brain is concerned.

The other tip is to try and remind yourself why you are doing the things you are doing and to find that emotional drive. It’s not easy for the brain to think of typing as being highly important, which is why it’s so easy to get distracted. Your job is to remind yourself then what typing really means: it means eventually having access to all the resources you could possibly want, to feelings of success and reward and to the freedom to go wherever you want.

Keep your eye on the prize and always remind yourself why thing you are doing is so important.

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Resell Rights Weekly – Free Membership Access PLR & MRR Products

All-in-One SEO Tools Suite – Improve SEO for Your Online Business

How to Fit Social Media Marketing into Your Lifestyle > Social Media

Building a massive following on social media is one of the most effective ways to promote a business and to increase your profits.

In fact, if you get a big enough following on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, then this can become a money-making venture in its own right. With thousands of people hanging off your every word and putting stock in everything you say, a big social media channel will allow you to find sponsors for who will pay you to promote their brands and it can even ‘pre-approve’ you for a book deal! For business owners, this is a fantastic way to let your customers know about new products and services and to that way drive a ton of traffic to your site.

The only problem is that building a social media channel with a massive following is a slow and painstaking process – or at least it is generally perceived that way.

But what if there was a way you could create a massive social media following without dedicating countless hours to it?

The Wrong Way to do Social Media

The key is not to spend less time on social media marketing (volume is hugely important for social media) but instead to change the way you approach it.

What a lot of marketers will do is to spend their day running their business and then to dedicate a few hours in the evening or at another time during their day to posting content to Twitter or Instagram, or to responding to comments and questions.

This not only wastes time but it also results in a lower quality of social media channel as you’ll be scratching your head trying to think of what new thing to post about, rather than posting because you have something interesting and worthwhile to say!

Incidental Social Media

Instead then, try to think of social media as something that you can simply fit into your usual regime and around your regular schedule.

Social media is supposed to offer some insight into your routine for your followers and to let them feel as though they’re getting to know you – this is especially important for a small business or a personal brand. Likewise, a good business should always be something that you are passionate about and truly interesting in, meaning that you should actually live the lifestyle that you are promoting.

This then is how you are going to find things to post about. This is how you are going to keep adding fresh content – simply by sharing the things that you’re doing.

Let’s say you have a health and fitness business. Hopefully, you are living that lifestyle yourself. That means that you can simply post pictures to Instagram showing your workouts and sharing your tips for the gym. Likewise, it means that you can Tweet about the food you’re having, or share the interesting articles you’re reading on Facebook.

Likewise, if your small business is a highstreet store, then why not share pictures of the team working, of new products or of your reflections on running small businesses?

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Working the Media > Free Business Promotion Report

Business Promotion report “Working the Media” covers “we sometimes lose sight of the fact that there is a real world out there with print media – newspapers and magazines, as well as radio and television. And appearing in any of these media gives you instant credibility you simply cannot get through social media”. Click “Working the Media” to download (363 KB pdf) this free report.

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No Cost Online Marketing > Free Report

Online Marketing report “No Cost Online Marketing” looks at Who Are You Trying To Reach. Putting A Plan Together. Use Social Networks To Promote Your Business. What Kind of Site Are your Potential Customers Going To Frequent? Always Make Sure You’re Using Twitter. Guest Blogging. Exchanging Articles. Exchanging Links. Important Things To Avoid. Click “No Cost Online Marketing” to download (848 KB pdf) this free report.

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