Author Archives: Topper

Securing Against Swipers, Pinchers And Thieves > Domain Flipping Checklist 16

Everyone is looking to make a quick buck on the internet and as such, the number of hackers and thieves online is increasingly high. Pinchers, swipers, and thieves are often on the lookout for security loopholes that can allow them to hack or steal your domain name and this can cost you especially for domain… Read More »

Internet Marketing – The Maintenance Guide > Free Ebook

Internet Marketing ebook “Internet Marketing – The Maintenance Guide” looks into; Avoiding the Error of Staring the Wrong Way. Correctly Perceiving Your Venture as a Business. Clearly Identifying Your Goals and Objectives. Establishing an Effective Plan for Success. Ramping Up Your Operations for Profitability. Getting the Appropriate Help You Need. Retaining Much of Your Cash… Read More »

Optimizing Domain Name for SEO > Domain Flipping Checklist 15

To optimize your ranking on search engines, it is imperative that your chosen domain name is SEO friendly. In addition to URL structures, the domain name is an essential element for SEO. Optimizing your domain name for SEO is crucial in expanding the visibility of your domain, as well as boosting your ranking and click-through… Read More »

Creating Traffic To Your Domain > Domain Flipping Checklist 14

The ultimate goal for any business with potential for growth is to increase traffic and generate leads with potential for conversion. There are myriad ways for driving traffic to your domain that include both free and paid strategies. Free traffic boosting approaches include search engine optimization, advertising in your social accounts, and blogging whereas paid… Read More »

Domaining Tips, Strategies, And Techniques > Domain Flipping Checklist 13

Domaining techniques and tips refer to best practices when it comes to domain flipping. Domaining best practices encompass all the optimization strategies involved in every step of the flipping process ranging from domain name selection and purchasing, registrar and marketplace selection process, optimizing domain name ranking on SERPs, domain keywords and domain auctions, as well… Read More »

Promoting Your Domain > Domain Flipping Checklist 12

Selecting or purchasing a unique domain name is the first step in the domain flipping process. The next step after registering a domain to your name is promoting your domain name to potential buyers and potential domain brokers. Promoting your domain name is a way of increasing traffic and leads to your domain. When promoting… Read More »

Optimizing Your Domain Name For Selling > Domain Flipping Checklist 11

To optimize the potential of your domain flipping business, it is important that you put thorough research and a lot of thought into your domain name of choice. Notably, most of the shorter, trending, and perceivably valuable domain names have already been taken. However, newer trends, burgeoning new technologies, and innovations especially online pave way… Read More »

Locating Potential Platforms / Marketplaces For Selling Your Domain > Domain Flipping Checklist 10

Domain marketplaces are specifically designed for selling and buying domains through either direct selling or auctions. Marketplaces are instrumental in terms of providing targeted traffic to your auctions in that most domain marketplaces are often awash with sellers, potential buyers, as well as domain brokers. There are myriad platforms and marketplaces for selling your domain… Read More »

Creating Domain Auctions > Domain Flipping Checklist 9

Domain auctions provide opportunities to domain holders to buy and sell their domain names. Domain auction sites facilitate the buying and selling of domain names by providing a platform for the sellers to place their domains for sale and allowing potential buyers to place bids for the domain name, and ultimately awarding the domain name… Read More »

Monetizing Your Domain > Domain Flipping Checklist 8

Domain flipping has been likened to real estate in the sense that just like real estate, patience is the operative word in domain flipping if your goal is to rake in more money from your domain. However, waiting for your domain to be bought does not necessarily imply that the domain is redundant. There are… Read More »

Leveraging Domain Search Tools > Domain Flipping Checklist 7

Domain search tools are websites, platforms and software that make it easy for you to select ideal and potentially valuable domain names. The market is abreast with myriad new and innovative tools that are provided either freely or at a fee that help analyze crucial domain stats such as domain name availability, domain authority, cost,… Read More »

Checking for Blacklisted Domains > Domain Flipping Checklist 6

A blacklisted domain is deleterious to your domain flipping potential to the effect that a blacklisted domain name compromises the integrity of your domain and subsequently affects the reviews therein. A domain name can be blacklisted for various reasons ranging from technical reasons such as errors from DNS records or server misconfigurations, evidence-based reasons such… Read More »