There’s a whole host of article marketing software programs you can choose to use. It makes sense to use some sort of software once your article marketing grows to an unmanageable volume.
Writing articles takes time but so does going to each directory and submitting the article, making sure it’s formatted correctly, not to mention spinning the article so you get more mileage out of it if possible.
You want to find an article marketing software option that spins the one article you give it so that it can be submitted without any duplicate content submissions. You don’t want a software that uses your own email to send out submissions – because your IP address could be flagged as spam, and you could get your account closed over it!
A good article marketing software will send your content out to Ezine article publishers, not just article directories. There are thousands of potential Ezine owners who could pick up and share your article if they know it exists.
You also want an article marketing software tool that lets you schedule your submissions for a future date. You don’t want to send a flood of content anywhere so that an editor feels overwhelmed and blocks you.
There are some article marketing software programs that even do the research for you – you simply enter your niche topic and it compiles a bunch of information for you. You then go through and delete anything you don’t want.
Not only do you get to use this sort of tool for your own article marketing, but you can even create a service that makes these articles for other marketers to use – and charge for it!
There are some article spinning tools that can create 1,000 articles in just 30 seconds when you click a button. But make sure that the quality of each article is up to par – because this content will be representing you in the marketplace.
Other tools simply submit your articles for you. And you can find services to do this as well. There’s really no way they can mess this up, but make sure you verify that the articles really did get submitted by asking for the link to the publicly viewable page where the article now resides.
A few tools will have it all rolled into one – it takes your article, spins it into a number of unique articles, and then submits it all around the World Wide Web for you on autopilot. It seems simple – because it is!